Twitter to the Top

1 comment, 25/07/2011, by , in SEO

Tree TopTwitter is one of those sites which has become very popular along with other social networking sites such as Facebook. It can, however, be used as part of your traffic generation strategy to drive more traffic to your website. It has a massive pagerank of 9 and it’s perfectly possible to get onto the first page of Google by following a simple strategy and a few basic steps. Let’s take a look at what you need to do.

Step 1: Do your normal keyword research and find some suitable keywords that are both relevant to your site and for which you also want to rank highly.

Step 2: Join and tweet (don’t forget that you are limited to just 140 characters in total) something which actually includes the search term that you found in step 1.

Step 3: Next, write yourself an article of at least 400 words and ensure that your search phrase is included as the anchor text to the tweet that you posted in step 2. Submit this article to or one of the other popular article directories.

Step 4: Now write another unique article, again with anchor text that links back to your tweet that you made in step 2. Build a Squidoo lens (this is another name for a webpage on Squidoo and post this article to the lens. The anchor text should include your search term identified in step 1.

Step 5: Now “Digg” both the Squidoo Lens URL and the article URL.

Step 6: Ping the tweet, the article on and the Squidoo lens. Do this regularly every few days. Use our automatic pinging service here on to do this for you.

Step 7: Now wait! The original tweet made in step 2 will take a few days to be indexed and ranked by Google. There is a good probability that it will rank highly particularly if the search term is not highly competitive. It’s even possible to rank on the first page.


One comment

  1. August 30th, 2011 16:57

    yes, that`s ok, by posting twitter you can have much more traffic to your sites & blogs, – the pr 9 at time is changing by working google,

    twitter is a fine job, do it


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