Three Graphic Design Project Taboos

Comments Off on Three Graphic Design Project Taboos, 23/08/2015, by , in Web Design

Designer at DeskWith many different sources available for graphic design online today, the ability to find affordable, quality work is easy. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have to be careful about various considerations made when selecting the designer or providing information about the project. Many people don’t realize that graphic design – even for simple projects – requires thought and consideration in order to get the job done correctly. In order to make the process easier for the graphic designer and yourself, we’ve put together a summary of three graphic design taboos that you’ll want to avoid if a smooth project is the desired outcome.

Asking Designers to Wing It

Graphic designers will usually have a lot of expertise in their area, but this doesn’t mean that they can read your mind or build anything from scratch. Your project will require some basic descriptions and consultation in order to have the best results, or else there will be a repetitive back and forth about necessary changes to one or more elements. In order to save both yourself and the graphic designer time, spend a few minutes describing the basic elements that you would like to see in the image, web design or comparable item. It will definitely reduce stress and tension between you and the designer!

Nitpicking After the Fact

Graphic designers get paid to do what they do for a reason. The client’s input definitely matters – and should be provided beforehand – but the need to nitpick over the slightest of details can be unnecessary and subjective. Asking to move one element in this direction or another element in another direction before pinging your website with the final design can be infuriating for both parties. Most quality graphic designers have a job in this field for a reason; placing elements in one position or another will be carefully considered by the graphic designer. Hiring an individual with lots of experience in the field will help guarantee that their level of expertise on this subject supersedes your own, so be willing to trust the designer when it comes to the smallest of details.

Demand Perfection on the First Draft

If you have waited to the last minute or have otherwise delayed the production of a graphic design project, then it is not fair to ask the designer to produce something perfect on the first try. Especially if guidelines are not provided, the designer can only wrack his or her brain for ideas and put together what he or she believes to be what you would like with the first rendition. Even with clear instructions and without overly-critical input, most graphic design projects require at least one revision. Be aware of this and do not foist upon the designer unrealistic expectations about completion in terms of time.


Pinging your website with a quality graphic design project is easy and straightforward when taking the right steps. By understanding the need for revisions, avoiding the art of nitpicking and being descriptive from the beginning, you can get a great design and avoid these graphic design taboos.