Three Areas for Marketers to Look to for Video’s Future

0 comments, 01/11/2015, by , in Marketing

Sunset FilmstripAs broadband and mobile speeds become faster, devices become more powerful and social media becomes more adaptive, the demand for multimedia continues to increase. Digital marketers are well-aware of the current implications of video and how it can affect overall performance in a variety of mediums. With so many ways in which to deploy video and multimedia-based campaigns, marketers are constantly seeking guidance on the next big thing. Below, we’ll talk about three developing trends in which the future of video will occur and how marketers should be prepared to act in these areas.

On Mobile

With more mobile devices in use than ever before, the use of mobile video has exploded. With no end in sight, the future of video marketing will revolve around campaigns that take into account the habits and tendencies of mobile users. In the past year alone, mobile video ad spending has nearly doubled, with brands and businesses pinging users with more video. The average prime-aged adult spends up to three hours per day watching videos of some type. With mobile devices now increasingly capturing the attention spans of people all around the world, video campaigns must begin to target mobile users more so than standard desktop users.

On Main Pages

In the past, video was something reserved for multimedia sections of websites. One emerging trend in the world of video, however, revolves around the use of video on landing pages or home pages. In addition to embedded videos, the use of parallax backgrounds that provide streaming video in the background has proven to be popular as well. Brands and businesses that wish to grab the attention of visitors immediately may choose to deploy video in one of these ways in order to highlight products, services or a mission. What’s clear is that the future of video does not revolve around important multimedia being cordoned off on an obscure page on the site.

Branded Videos

Even small brands must think of ways in which to attract users to their causes, beliefs or products. Branded videos have and will continue to become popular – even in obscure situations – as they help imprint on viewers something about the company in question. The average marketing effort now spends one-third of its video budget on video content that features branding, which is essential in order to drive awareness and publicity. However, basic branding attempts may inevitably be rejected by consumers and viewers due to the sheer prominence of video content pinging users on a daily basis. Such videos must be well-produced, touch on crucial themes and entertain or inform those who watch them.


As video becomes cheaper and more prevalent, digital marketing teams and companies must strive harder in order to make good impressions. The need for branded videos, main page content and mobile-optimized video marketing efforts will all play huge roles in how well or poorly brands do among new and existing audiences alike. In order to compete in multimedia marketing in the years to come, brands must find their footing in these areas while also improving the overall quality of their digital marketing campaigns.

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