What Makes for a Good PPC Campaign?

Building exposure for any online brand remains a top priority for success, but some brands have an easier time than others. Online stores and shopping platforms have a more difficult time in establishing visibility without the use of paid strategies, as their content offerings tend to be thinner (making their SEO potential smaller).

There are several forms of paid marketing, but PPC campaigns remain the most effective option on balance for the vast majority of brands. By paying for each click earned, brands can drive legitimate and qualified traffic to their websites. Even with its effectiveness, there are plenty of ways to optimize PPC campaigns.

Today, we’ll look at the core components of any good PPC campaign.

Unbiased Information in Your Ad Copy

People are bombarded on a daily basis with an unprecedented number of advertisements. From TV and streaming service ads to mailers and digital links, most users are more desensitized than ever to various forms of marketing. This is why the optimization of each PPC ad campaign is so important: unless the context of the ad is truly relevant, people will consciously (or in some cases, subconsciously) mentally block them.

By pinging your website links, landing pages or multimedia via PPC campaigns, you can reach a meaningful number of people. However, your ads should strive to be as informative as possible, minimizing fluff and opting instead to feature beneficial information that is unbiased. This can range from product features and benefits to perks from ordering or subscribing (such as shipping times or fundamental content offerings).

A Clearly-Defined Target Audience

Arguably the most crucial prerequisite to any good PPC campaign revolves around one simple question: who are you targeting? Every brand, business and online entity must first understand exactly who it is they’re targeting if they want their campaigns to succeed. Without an understanding of their natural audiences through market research and prior trends, PPC campaigns are usually mediocre to poor in terms of performance.

Your target audience will be built around niche interests, demographics such as age, gender, income and geography, and potentially prior behavior/interaction with your brand. Whether you are targeting people for the first time who fit your target audience profile or are remarketing/retargeting individuals whose actions justify such, know that any PPC campaign must have data-driven audience targets in order to be viable.

Optimized Landing Pages

Where are your users landing after clicking on one or more particular PPC ads? This is an integral component of any successful PPC campaign: landing pages can make or break your broader marketing efforts. Given that many brands use landing pages to encourage specific actions, it shouldn’t be surprising that this element is so fundamental to a good campaign in general.

Customized landing pages are commonly used when a single, particular action is desired. Whether it is subscribing to a mailing list or purchasing a specific product, landing pages ensure that the people who are pinging your website via PPC ads are  more likely to buy, subscribe or otherwise commit to the action(s) you desire.

Any brand or business that wants a successful PPC campaign must consider a few elements. Linking each ad to the best landing page possible, defining their target audiences beforehand and using useful information in their copy are the core components of success; now that you know, you can put these tactics into your broader marketing strategy!

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