The Top 5 Freelance Websites that Every Freelancer Should Join

16 comments, 24/09/2012, by , in Making Money

FreelancerFor those who work from home, on the road or abroad, earning income while having a computer is one of the biggest lifelines and knowing where to look for sustainable work is a definite prerequisite to being successful. There are hundreds of freelance sites on the internet that allow clients and freelancers to work with one another, but not all sites are created equally. If you want to expand your portfolio, build a steady client base and have guaranteed work for the long-run, then you must review the following five sites in an effort to build your repertoire.


Fiverr makes the list due to its ease of access and simplicity in using the platform. If you have a PayPal account and an internet connection, you can begin posting ‘gigs’ and earning income for any number of tasks. Whether you are into content creation, graphic design or any other form of digital content creation/editing, Fiverr has a market that will allow you to earn income and meet new potential long-term clients. With an Alexa rating of 193, Fiverr is booming with business (Check your Alexa, PageHeat and PageRank with Pingler’s Site Rank Checker). Beware, however, each $5 gig only earns you $4, and after PayPal fees, that can quickly drop to around $3.50-$3.75 per gig.


oDesk is the largest freelance site currently on the web, playing host to over one million freelancers and customers. This platform differs from sites such as Fiverr in that there is no set amount on most tasks; a freelancer can bid on each task and the task creator will then choose which freelancer – out of all of the bids – he or she wants to complete the task. While it is advised to bid a low price, many task creators will compare a number of variables to determine who they pick: location, experience, feedback and price all factor into it.


Guru features over 200 categories where freelancers and project heads can collaborate and create excellent outcomes. Project creators have to pay “up-front” for their tasks; the money is placed into an escrow-style account and once completed, it is released to the freelancer. This helps prevent people from listing projects and then not being able to pay for them. Individuals in web design will especially appreciate the diversity of jobs available here.


Easily the oldest freelance site in operation, Freelancer has a high amount of reputation and is a main stop for anyone serious about expanding their freelance workload. Whether its data entry, web editing or survey taking, Freelancer is a great place to start. Unfortunately, regular users may only bid on up to 10 projects per month (Freelancer’s premium package allows for unlimited bids @ $20/month).


vWorker features over 400,000 active members and is a great hub for those who wish to work from the comfort of their home. Their platform works similarly to Guru in terms of transactions; both clients and freelancers have ample protection to ensure that they are not hoodwinked. Working on vWorker is as simple as registering for a free account.


  1. October 2nd, 2012 7:40

    Excellent post thanks for sharing. Those are all great sites for freelance writers.

    My company is also looking for writers because of the high demand for content rich web pages.


  2. October 21st, 2012 17:18

    These webs are nice from freelance workers, thanka!


  3. October 26th, 2012 8:08

    Hi thanks for these freelancer site these are really helpful for me. i am a newbie in the freelancing world. can you please share some of your experience about earning from these websites.


  4. November 4th, 2012 10:06

    Thanks for this great post man! I was really looking for something to earn while I have free time at home. This post certainly has guided me well. I have oDesk and looking for the other alternatives as well.


  5. November 23rd, 2012 7:24

    Excellent article written. thanks for sharing. Those are all great sites for freelance writers.


  6. December 3rd, 2012 0:20

    This website is very informative will be beneficial to to my online company, I will share this site thank you as wondering if there is an rss feed to subscribe for


  7. December 24th, 2012 6:54

    Thanx for such a wonderful post however I would like to add some more freelance websites…



    • Amatun Noor
      March 10th, 2013 11:38

      Can u plz tell how cud I earn money with these websites……

      Amatun NOor


  8. moi truong viet
    January 11th, 2013 4:27

    Thank the author for sharing this article. I will tell your website for my friends


  9. sakib
    January 13th, 2013 1:07

    I will share this site thank you as wondering if there is an rss feed to subscribe


  10. January 23rd, 2013 7:23

    Nice share. Thanks for the info.


  11. IT Professional
    February 16th, 2013 16:42

    One thing to keep in mind with freelancing sites is that freelancers from around the globe are competing for the jobs with you. So if you live in an area with a higher cost of living you will be outbid by those in lower living cost areas. For example, if you live in the US/Canada, work in the IT industry, you will notice that the other freelancer from India especially are willing to work for hourly rates comparative to working at McDonald’s. On the plus side though, the quality of work from India workers typically isn’t as good as US/Canada workers. Clients have a choice to pay cheap and get cheap quality results, or pay a little more and get solid, reliable, top quality results.

    Freelancing sites are a great way to get extra work for extra income. You just need to be aware that some people are willing to work for peanuts due to their low cost of living.


  12. April 19th, 2013 11:24

    leaving Elance out of here is like going to church and forgeting to give your offerings!!


  13. November 24th, 2013 15:44

    I guess this list is kinda short. I’ve written an updated list of “working” freelance platforms for freelancers. You can check it out here:

    I also recommend Elance as the most secured freelance market to all freelancers. Escrow and pro-freelancer approach. 🙂


  14. February 21st, 2014 13:09

    Forgot to mention


  15. June 29th, 2014 19:58

    nice sharing guys but i must say odesk and fiverr is best now a days. Oh yes we also can not forget seoclerks best ever. i have made $3000 so far on seoclerks


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