How Businesses Can Insulate Against Soaring Energy Costs

Energy costs keep on rising and businesses are feeling the pinch. However, there is much that can be done to reduce energy waste and gain greater efficiencies. Here are a few tips.

Repair Leaks

Leaks are a key cause of energy waste. They contribute to up to a third of a compressor’s output and make equipment less efficient.

For larger leaks, an air leak survey can identify them, while ultrasonic equipment for detecting leaks can find the smaller ones. However, maintaining equipment and replacing worn parts is the best way to avoid leaks caused by loose tubes, missing seals, and materials that have deteriorated. All fittings should be checked and tightened.

Inefficient Equipment

Your HVAC system is responsible for the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning of your plant or offices. It is a high-energy user and must be checked to see that it is running optimally. If not, you have the option of repair or replacement, which will likely be determined by your budget.

The same goes for the rest of your equipment. Energy efficiency is achieved by keeping these items in a good state of repair and replacing those that have become wasteful. Upgrade any equipment that has a greater energy saving in a newer make or model.

Include smaller equipment in your energy audit: computers, motors, ceiling fans, etc.


Compact fluorescent lighting (CFL) is energy efficient and also ensures sufficient lighting for manufacturing tasks.  Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are another option. Less modern bulbs are likely to use more energy and should be replaced with newer ones. Also, switch off unnecessary lights.

Other ways to maximize lighting while reducing energy are skylights, opening curtains by windows to allow daylight in, using light sensors, and installing timers.

Manufacturing Processes

Over a third of the energy used by a business goes to process heating, which is essential for manufacturing the majority of goods.

To optimize energy, get a waste heat recovery system, use fuels that are more efficient on combustion, and manage exhaust gases. Ensure that furnaces have been properly installed and obtain an automatic blowdown control system.

Lowering Electricity Usage

A business facility operates on electricity for its processes as well as items like aircon for comfortable working conditions, and adequate lighting for visibility. There are several ways this consumption can be decreased.

All lights and equipment, including PCs, should be shut down when not in use or at the end of shifts. Dim power settings on computer networks. Savings can be reinvested in more energy-efficient equipment.

Find a utility company that provides lower rates for off-peak hours. By rearranging scheduling for tasks that use a lot of energy to fit these periods you can pay less even while consuming the same amount of electricity.


Employees may not have the time and skills to do energy audits. The solution is to either outsource this to an energy audit provider or to hire a facilities manager with the right training to check equipment regularly, repair it if worn out, and get quotes to upgrade equipment that needs to be replaced.

Energy consumption can be reduced if you follow these guidelines.

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