The Importance of Creating a Killer Logo for Your Blog or Website

4 comments, 17/08/2012, by , in General

Blog LogoWith countless websites and blogs strewn all over the internet, you have to make a good impression on visitors in order to retain their traffic and business. Competition is fiercer than ever, leaving many webmasters and bloggers contemplating why their current site just is not performing up to par with other successful competitors. The idea and concept of brand recognition is extremely important in convincing readers and customers that your site is full of premium content, aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate. Let’s discuss in greater detail the importance of having a great logo to compliment your site’s design.

Don’t Settle for One Design

Whether you are creating your own new logo or paying a company to create a hot new design, you must compare and contrast multiple variations and designs in order to get the best result. The goal is to have five or six unique styles that can then be compared with one another to isolate the best-received version. You will want to conduct some surveys with targeted individuals as well (you could even have a vote displayed on your website), in order to get a cross sample of how each image is viewed and rated. Using these forms of comparison, you will be able to get the best design possible and select the specific design that is best suited for your audience.

Finding The Right Logo Company

Let’s face it: many webmasters and bloggers are not savvy when it comes to graphic design. For those who do not have the skills necessary to generate a new logo that will please and attract customers, you will have to find the right design company for your needs. Several companies exist, with designers like Logo Design Team, Logobee and 99designs leading the field. There are packages to suit every budget, giving webmasters flexibility in the design they choose and the amount they spend. Cheaper alternatives also exist, although they do not have the reputation and solid feedback that the aforementioned companies do; we recommend that you start your search with them.

Let the World Know

Whether you are simply revising the logo of your site or blog, or are unrolling a brand new full site layout, you will want to publicize the event and let others know about the revisions. For sites and blogs with social networking, this process is easier than ever. By posting links to your newly-designed site on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter and other social networks, you will likely see a bump in traffic. If you offer products and services for sale, you can also incorporate the relaunching of your site with special discounts and deals available for a limited time.

Track Your Progress

After the site has been re-branded and launched, you will want to monitor traffic to see whether or not your changes have led to the desired effect. Your source code, keywords and other metadata can be crucial in driving new traffic to your site, so keep an eye on this as well – to make sure that everything is configured appropriately. Pingler’s Site Spider Viewer tool offers the ability to scan any webpage and see the source code, character length and CMS platform being used. This will in essence let you see what the search engine spiders see, and since they are responsible for indexing your site, this sort of “vision” is very important.


  1. August 18th, 2012 0:20

    LOGO is very important when doing a website. its not a big factor but it can make visitors more interesting in your blog or websites when they find it.


  2. August 18th, 2012 6:53

    Do you have recommendation on where I can get killer logo with affordable price ?
    Thank you.


  3. August 26th, 2012 18:48

    Hey, great content, I will contact you soon regarding guest posting opportunities, I am a aspiring graphic designer, profesional logo designer, and offer a logo design service. I have a world of knowledge regarding graphic design related topics and will share them soon via guest posts.


  4. August 28th, 2012 2:15

    Logo is a most effective things for quickly grow website. 🙂


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