How to Use LinkedIn to Generate Leads

LinkedIn is a business-focused social media platform. It’s been growing in popularity over the last few years as a brilliant way to make connections or find a new job. With more and more networking now being done online, LinkedIn is a great thing to be a part of. Generating leads for your business can be incredibly difficult, not to mention time consuming. If you use LinkedIn correctly, it can make it a lot easier.

Have A Great Profile

This may seem obvious when we’ve all got different profiles, on many different sites. Everyone knows how to make a profile that gets noticed. However, LinkedIn is a little different. You’re often targeting people you don’t know. It needs to be professional, from the profile picture, right down to the writing style. Remember, fill everything out, don’t leave sections blank, or people will wonder why.

Build Your Connections

Spend some time going through the list of recommendations LinkedIn gives you. Add anyone you know. Seek out any past or present clients, anyone you’ve worked with, add them. Then go through your connections, and look at theirs. Do you know anyone on their lists? Make another list of potential contacts, anyone you’d like to meet that you think could be a possible client. Ask for an introduction.

Start a LinkedIn Group

You may already be a member of niche groups on LinkedIn; if not join some, and become an active member. Starting your own group will get you a lot more followers than just being part of one. It also allows you to dictate the focus of the group. Make sure you post quality content, and often. Keep people interested in you, and more will follow.

Engage with People

This is a key to generating leads and support on any social media platform. Interact with people around you. Be sure to reply to any comments and messages. If someone posts about a problem they’re having, or asks for advice, help them in any way you can. Get yourself a great reputation and people will remember you. Even if you don’t think someone will be interested in, or useful to your business now, they may remember you for the future. Or pass your name on to someone else, who could perhaps be a really important customer.

Be Direct

It’s ok to send out messages, advertising your business and yourself, gauging peoples’ interest and making offers. Always be polite, never pushy, and remember not to spam. One message is enough unless you get a semi positive response, then let the conversation continue. Target the right audience, people you are connected with, and those you think might be interested. There’s no point in trying to sell to just anyone.

Be Consistent

Post regular updates. Not sales pitches, but articles, blog posts, recommendations, and general updates as to what you’re doing. Do this every day. Keep your feed fresh and exciting. Check for new connections every day. Comment on other people’s updates and posts, every day.

Always remember to be engaging, interesting, professional, and kind. Build yourself a reputation as someone who doesn’t just push sales, but is helpful and entertaining. This, and the quality of your content, will generate leads more than anything else.

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