The Best Types of Content Marketing for Businesses

0 comments, 13/07/2020, by , in Marketing

Now more than ever, businesses are under increasing economic strain and pressure from competitors. Whether a business operates a brick-and-mortar operation or a digital one, the challenges of earning exposure, selling products and services, successfully retaining customers and growing long-term profits are substantial.

For businesses both local and digital, content marketing is often one of the most beneficial strategies that can be used. By creating content with the intent of reaching audiences in search results, social media and email, encouraging more visits, purchases and/or loyalty can be more effectively accomplished.

Today, let’s take a look at the best types of content marketing for businesses seeking to maximize their exposure online.


In an increasingly mobile world, it shouldn’t be surprising that many people prefer to absorb multimedia-rich content rather than reading tiny text on their phones and tablets. This is video marketing is such an immense component of content marketing in the present day: with nearly 9 in 10 internet users reporting regular use of video content, this form is highly effective.

Businesses that are pinging users with video content can integrate it into a broader content marketing strategy quite effortlessly. Virtually every social media platform allows for the sharing of video content. Major platforms such as YouTube also make it simple to upload and host video content, allowing easy integration into websites, emails and more.


Established brands know that email marketing provides benefit, but some may be surprised to know that it remains one of the most effective forms of content marketing for businesses. Ultimately, being able to pitch to a dedicated audience of subscribers without spending large sums on ad buys or tons of time overcoming algorithms is incredibly efficient.

When used properly, consistent email marketing campaigns can be used to increase the visibility and engagement for any content format or type. They can also be used to generate calls to action and other vital behaviors crucial to business marketing.

Blog Posts

Even if the standard blog post isn’t the fanciest form of content, it is easily one of the most popular and effective. Whether users are browsing at home or glancing at information while on the go, blog posts are a versatile option that allow businesses to convey information and ideas without tons of technical expertise.

While mastery of video editing software and email marketing platforms may be necessary for some excellent content marketing solutions, any business can create the basis for great blog posts with a little bit of time, information and research.

Instructional Content

Last but not least, one strategy very successful for businesses seeking to elevate their content marketing strategies is to publish content that is instructional in nature. From podcasts and how-to videos to training courses, pinging users and visitors with helpful content – regardless of format – can help drive traffic and bolster a brand’s content portfolio. Whether the goal is to earn more clicks on social media or rank more prominently in search results, content that people value is immensely helpful in doing so.

These examples are a few broader areas where businesses can focus their content marketing strategies for maximum effect. Ultimately, businesses may find specific formats and types of content work best for their specific business models, but these examples are among the most well-rounded options for all businesses.

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