Three Types of Marketing Content That Excel

0 comments, 26/03/2014, by , in Marketing

Three FruitsIn the age of intensely competitive marketing and an over-saturated internet when it comes to content, webmasters, bloggers and marketers have all had to become more creative in order to get attention. Several years ago, it was enough to be featured in a few select search results, but the age of social media and paid advertising have changed all of that. Every advantage possible is now necessary in order to thrive in a competitive digital atmosphere, so your marketing content needs to be up to par in order to do so. Some forms of marketing content work better than others, however, so you want to focus your efforts on mediums that have the most success. Below, we’ll outline three types of marketing content that excel with users and search engines alike.

Anything with Images

While you may not always be able to engage in forms of internet marketing that utilize images, most forms of marketing exist in mediums where you can do so. Whether it pertains to blogs or search engine results, users naturally gravitate toward elements that include images. If you are pinging networks with a variety of digital multimedia, then you can expect users to interact with it more profusely than with mere text. Not all forms of imagery may be suitable for your marketing efforts, but this does not mean that you cannot find appropriate examples or create something from scratch. Imagery will boost social shares, entertain your audience and convey a message much more succinctly than any wall of text ever could.

Videos and GIFs

While still-shots can be a great way to capture the attention of readers and users of social media, you will find that videos and animated GIFs can provide even more benefit when coupled with an internet marketing strategy. Videos have been shown to perform twice as well as traditional text, while GIFs are quickly becoming a popular way to convey emotion and express sentiment. Sites such as Buzzfeed have dominated social media for the past couple of years, in large part because of their use of GIFs and videos to prove a point. Nobody wants to read paragraph after paragraph of text on its own, but coupled with these elements, it can suddenly become a much more pleasant experience.


Paid advertising with Google continues to be one of the most effective forms of marketing content out there, and unlike the other two items on this list, it does not require an extensive social media presence or developed SEO to utilize. Those who use AdWords can choose between CPM and PPC campaigns, both of which have advantages and disadvantages. The cost per click campaigns are by far the most common, and allow users to be pinging networks and targeting specific niches where they believe content and services will be most desired. Hundreds of thousands of entities have used AdWords in their internet marketing strategies, so it only makes sense to give this platform some consideration when it comes to your internet marketing content goals.

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