Simple Ways to Boost Online Awareness of Your Non-Profit

0 comments, 08/12/2015, by , in Marketing

Boost In order to increase overall exposure of a website on the internet, plenty of different hoops must first be jumped through. With so much to consider in regards to technical optimizations and audience desires alike, it can be difficult to know where to begin. With non-profit endeavours especially, it can be a struggle to determine how best to attract new traffic and reach the audiences who will appreciate such efforts most. If your non-profit brand is attempting to expand its online reach but currently doesn’t know how to do so effectively, then continue reading to find out about some simple ways that help you over-perform in this regard.

Improve SEO

Above all else, every website requires proper SEO in order to succeed. Pinging for SEO requires a wide breadth of knowledge, ranging from keyword placement to content creation. Many technical considerations, such as proper HTML code and post formatting, can help search engines view your site as a credible entity. Additional investments in terms of time, however, are also needed. A focus on improving local search engine optimization is crucial, as is the need for new content to be published on a regular basis. Non-profit websites that do not target specific local search results or that do not publish content regularly will have difficulties in improving their SEO outcomes.

Find Free Advertising

Non-profits and charities can access a world of opportunities and grants that most other brands and businesses on the web cannot utilize. One major example is Google Grants, which provides varying amounts of in-kind advertising dollars to non-profits in need. By submitting the forms required and specifying which keywords and phrases are to be targeted, Google will then provide non-profits with an average of $300 per month in free advertising in these search results. It is a great way to find new and exciting opportunities for reaching new audiences, but there are plenty of other non-profit solutions also available that assist brands in increasing exposure in the online world.

Utilize Social Media

With so many forms of connectivity available today, it is downright negligent for a non-profit to not use social media in order to boost awareness online. Facebook Causes, for instance, can be leveraged in page form in order to create a social media presence on the world’s most popular social media network. In addition to that, sites such as Twitter provide access to different types of audiences and different formats through which content can be publicized. By using platforms such as these on a regular basis, it becomes much easier to reach specific audiences with select content. Of course, regular content production is essential in order to get the most benefit out of social media networks.


Whether you are pinging for SEO, boosting content on social media or advertising via search engines, non-profits today have many different utilities available to get the job done. In order to increase awareness, these three efforts should be pursued in a consistent fashion – but much more needs to be done as well. By reaching out to audiences in a proactive way and ensuring the site is optimized for search engines, it is inevitable that your non-profit will boost overall awareness online!

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