New News Feed Ads on Facebook – What to Expect

0 comments, 22/09/2013, by , in Marketing, News, Social Media

News FeedIn the past week or so, you may have noticed that ads are increasingly being displayed in your news feed. This is the beginning of massive changes that Facebook has planned for its advertising programs and will no doubt be tweaked many times in the near future. As an advertiser or social media guru, you want to ensure that you use the best and most effective techniques possible in order to reach and appeal to your audiences. You can only do this with a proper understanding of how these new changes will affect you. If you advertise on Facebook and want to make the most of these new developments, then continue reading to find out what to expect and how to seize this opportunity.

What Stats Have Changed

When you get ready to start pinging your website via Facebook ads, it is important to understand the subtle changes that have been made to this interface. Ads that appear in news feeds have been given similar characteristics to the old ad interface, but with an extended area for the link’s description. Users will be able to use up to twenty five characters in order to describe the title, 90 characters of text with which users can reach out to viewers through the right-hand side ad display, and 200 characters that will be used for link descriptions in news feed ads. In effect, two ads are generated from one ad campaign – one for the right-hand side of Facebook, and one for news feeds. The news feed image is also larger (154 x 154) than the traditional ad image. This means that you will have to create two different images for use in your advertisements.

Subtle Differences

The Facebook ad campaigns that you develop must be considered from two different perspectives, even if the template only creates one ad on the surface. Since your headline for right-side ads will display on top and ads in the news feed will display titles on bottom, this will leave many marketing gurus with extra responsibility to consider how these short phrases and titles play psychologically. They do in fact make a difference – when you create an ad that is essentially displayed in two different formats, then it is vital to pick titles that are concise and draw the attention to the reader. The ads that are displayed in news feeds will be more successful when designed to look like regular status updates.


Users of Facebook will be upset to know that Power Editor has not yet been configured to function with the new ad formats. This means that you will not be able to tinker with the news feed ads in any new way. In addition to this, the URLs in your ads cannot be hidden and will appear just as they would in any status update or post.


When pinging your website via the new Facebook advertising feature, do keep in mind that two different ad formats will be displayed. While separate image customization is available, you will need to consider carefully the wording of your ad text. Thankfully, the new news feed ads have longer character limits and can allow you to be more creative. Ultimately, this new method of Facebook advertising will become an everyday part of your advertising routine and various tweaks will help users get the most out of it in the long-run.

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