How New Content Aids Websites & Blogs Struggling with Rankings

0 comments, 24/02/2020, by , in Online Business, SEO

A seemingly endless number of websites exist, with many more being created each and every day. For most, obscurity is the name of the game: after all, ranking well in search results or reaching large number of people via social media isn’t feasible unless you put a lot of work into the process.

For those brands that are willing to do so, the results still aren’t immediately. It can take months or even years to produce tangibly noticeable results – especially if you are competing with big, well-known brands in search results.

Despite this, the role that new content can play in boosting visibility is palpable. Today, let’s talk about how new content can help struggling brands and blogs reach their intended audiences via search results.

Search Engines Look for New Content

Most tenets of search engine optimization focus on age, usually with an emphasis on being established rather than brand new. From domain age to the length of time you’ve been building links, these past and present measures of authority often insist that brands be “in the game” for months or even years to extract maximum value.

However, search engines like Google are constantly pinging servers in search of updates from websites – and it may surprise you that they’re looking for new content as a positive sign. Even though established brands may rank more prominently in search results, an older brand that isn’t publishing new content may be considered “stale” by these search engines. As such, creating new content lets search engines know you’re there and they’re active. This ultimately can help struggling websites and blogs break through and be seen in search results.

Focusing on Subjects in Flux > Focusing on Evergreen Topics

SEO discussions wouldn’t be complete without considerations surrounding evergreen content. After all, content that remains valid in perpetuity makes it easier for brands (by not having to constantly update content) and can provide a more lengthy period of dominance in key SERPs. However, some topics and content focuses are more prone to be in constant state of flux, while others focus on static information.

For example, the primary processes involved in building a home aren’t constantly changing. There are key elements such as laying the foundation, wiring the home and installing roofing that will always be true. Yet the legal and bureaucratic considerations in building a home – what permits are needed, what it costs, which materials are the best value – is constantly changing.

By focusing on topics or specific niches where information is constantly changing, you will be able to compete on a more level playing field. Instead of pinging servers with information that must directly compete against well-established content alternatives, an up-to-date post or other form of new content with fresh information will have a much better chance of ranking – even if you’re competing against established brands.

New content has its disadvantages in the SEO game, but for blogs and websites that are struggling, there are certain benefits to consider. Given that search engines look for fresh content and some topics are constantly requiring new, up-to-date information, competing in these areas can be beneficial to websites that have yet to break through in critical or otherwise targeted SERPs.

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