Three Important People Data Tools for Your Social Arsenal

0 comments, 29/09/2015, by , in Plugins and Tools

Question SpannerNow more than ever, the need to accurately determine the interests of a given audience and keep track of their responses is needed. With so many choices out there for shoppers, readers, subscribers and visitors, you must get it right the first time with respect to proper engagement and content marketing strategies. Fortunately, technology and the overwhelming spirit of competition has created the ability for us to do just that. Enter the availability of people-powered data tools and utilities, which help us to combine as much relevant information about audience members and influencers as possible. Below, we’ll briefly discuss three of these tools in order to help you find new solutions.


Whenever you plan on discussing important concepts with a key influencer, potential client or someone of importance, it is generally a good idea to learn a bit about them beforehand. Enter Charlie, which provides its users with the ability to discover many crucial elements about a person. Charlie will tap into your calendar and retrieve information about the people with whom you have upcoming meetings. It will start pinging search engines and other sources for important details such as their current positions, current events and news about them, their business information and biographies, social media updates and much more. In essence, Charlie gives you a complete web-based picture of the people you need to make a good impression with the first time!


Twitter is a space of influence above all else, and the information that can be gleaned from it can prove to be very important. Whether you wish to target a particular person of influence on the network or just need to know more about a random person, Riffle delivers. Riffle will deliver important metrics about a person’s Twitter usage, including their top-used hashtags, how they access Twitter, who mentions them the most and who they mention the most, from where they Tweet most often, and other basic metrics. Rather than spending copious amounts of time learning this information through careful digging, Riffle brings all of these important details to the forefront in the blink of an eye.


Available to all but associated with a price tag out of range for many smaller brands and individuals, Datanyze provides ample information on website usage and people alike. Datanyze is perfect for determining which solutions a given person is using on their website (a great tool for SEO firms and software developers, who can determine whether they have the ability to offer brands a better solution). In addition, the service also is perfect for pinging search engines for details about a person that may not be discovered through normal searches, such as an email address. It pieces together relevant information that can be found via search and then correlates it all in order to find the missing links for contact information, social mentions and more.


These three tools – Datanyze, Riffle and Charlie – may not be household names as of yet, but they are great utilities to have in an arsenal of people-powered and data-relevant online influence. Whether you wish to provide a superior service, lobby an influencer for mentions or improve engagement in some other capacity, at least one of these three tools will be useful to you.


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