How to Make Your Content Resonate with Mobile Readers

Striving to create the very best content possible is a top priority for brands and businesses regardless of industry or focus. Being able to connect with, entertain, persuade or otherwise reach target audiences effectively can make the difference between success and failure. Fundamentally, this may be the most important component of any brand’s digital marketing strategy.

Today, an ever-increasing number of people are accessing content from mobile devices, presenting a challenge to brands that need to ensure content is optimized for their audiences. There are plenty of unique considerations that must be made when catering to mobile users – to fail in this task is to fail at delivering quality content.

As such, let’s talk about a few straightforward tips that can help ensure your content and mobile readers connect more seamlessly.

Start Out Strong

Many mobile users are on-the-go or otherwise trying to focus on smaller screens and in more disruptive situations. There is plenty of evidence to show that mobile users are less likely to give a particular page or pitch as much time to resonate as people sitting behind a desk using a traditional computer, so it is vital to ensure your opening pitch is strong.

Be clear, concise and ensure users have an idea of what they’re going to find if they continue reading. Otherwise, you may discover in time that far fewer mobile users are pinging your website.

Stick to Simplicity

Even if the content you’re serving up is long-form, it is imperative that you create the simplest reading experience possible. Mobile users want to be able to quickly follow along and understand what is being served to them, so simplicity is key.

This can mean using shorter and more segmented paragraphs, as well as avoiding the use of overly-complex phrases and words in general. Give the content a good flow by keeping it simple and more mobile users will stick around to engage.

Consider Adding Multimedia

While some mobile browsing experiences may not be conducive to extra elements, pure text can often be tedious in a mobile reading situation. Helping to break up paragraphs and long-form written content by adding elements that are relevant to the topic can help keep mobile readers from feeling exhausted.

Adding an occasional photo or video that ties into the broader topic helps diversify the look and feel of your content while making the reading experience a bit easier for mobile audiences.

Be Selective About Your Pitches

Various elements – such as calls to action – can be easy enough to notice in traditional desktop and laptop browsing sessions. On mobile devices, however, you may find it more difficult for key conversion attempts to garner attention. As such, being sure to properly format and place your key pitches in content matters when dealing with mobile audiences.

With smaller screens and potentially different mobile-responsive browser formatting in general, these issues have to be addressed. In most cases, placing your pitches close to the top is a more worthwhile strategy for mobile audiences than it would be for standard readers.

If you want to keep mobile audiences pinging your website and engaging with content, then optimizing for their presence is essential. Most search and social media traffic is now mobile in nature, so in many respects, optimizing for them as the primary audience is an absolute must.

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