Building the Best “About Us” Page for Your Brand

About UsIn the world of SEO, content creation and marketing, there is a constant need to be aware of the elements that search engines and users alike both want to see. Between keyword optimization, conversion efforts and reader persuasion, there is a lot to consider when determining what you’ll say and how you’ll say it. Many brands forget to adequately optimize and convey key principles when it comes to their About Us page, in part because it is merely one element of a much larger picture. Many readers, customers and users, however, will check this page out for information before, during or after they have engaged with you. Their reception of this is critical, so we have put together a list of elements you’ll want to consider when building the best About Us page possible.

Make the Conversation About Them, Not You

Regardless of context, people enjoy hearing about themselves. This doesn’t always mean that they need to hear about their individual selves: it can sometimes apply in the context of the broader audience that a brand serves. In many respects, an About Me page is really an About You page, in which the problems, concerns and questions of many visitors can be answered in one way or another. This is also a prime location to show off a variety of customer or user interactions, such as customer testimonials and reviews. You can also promote any awards or accreditations that have been given to your brand that revolve around customer service or community involvement.

Mix Up the Media

Some brands unfortunately rely merely on a text approach when pinging to Google and to users information about themselves through their About Us pages. You can captivate readers and more thoroughly explain what you wish to explain through the use of multiple forms of media in your pitch. Photos can be used to either showcase a more intimate side of your brand or as an example of what you do. Videos can provide similar benefits but in a more dynamic form that leaves less to the imagination. Even if you do not have ample time to create videos for this purpose, short, impromptu videos can be used to add a “real” element to your otherwise drab About Us page (which may serve a double-purpose in use on social media).

Tell a Story

Before you begin rambling on about specific data-points or details about your brand, think about what makes your brand special. By considering all of the elements that brought you to where you are today, you’ll be able to narrate a story that is persuasive, captivating and relevant to the broader narrative you wish to create for readers. Do not be afraid to go into the nitty-gritty details of where your brand has been and what it has seen, as this creates a human element. The creation of a brand’s image as something that can identify with the human experience is above all else the goal in telling a story. While you’re pinging to Google and Bing more technical and deliberately planned elements, the goal in telling a story is to ping the hearts and minds of readers so that they spring into action.

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