How to Create a Winning Communication with Your Writers

0 comments, 22/04/2015, by , in General

Win KeyWhether you are juggling marketing materials or having trouble consistently updating your blog, there comes a point in which a brand may consider enlisting the services of an outside professional. These individuals come in a variety of forms – from ghostwriters to copywriters; from one-time project assistants to recurring contributors – but the same ingredients for success are usually needed. In order to get the most out of your efforts and ensure a maximum amount of conversions, clicks, responses and other goals, communication is key. In the following article, we’ll discuss what needs to be laid out in order for you to create winning communication between yourself and your writers.

Always Be Inundating

When it comes to briefing writers, too much information is never a bad thing. In order to accurately summarize the intent of the project, you may find yourself providing what would otherwise seem like way too much information. Even the best copywriters and ghostwriters cannot adequately put themselves in your mind, so supplying them with as much information as possible about the project is crucial for communication and success. This information may include a bunch of personal insight or a variety of external sources to which the writer can compare what your goals are with what has been supplied. By inundating the writers with well-documented details, he or she can always choose to narrow down the commentary, but he or she cannot expand upon it if you provide too little.

Outline Your Goals

When it comes to content and copy creation, knowing the upfront goals of the material is vital. Some brands seemingly adopt a culture of secrecy when dealing with outside contractors and freelancers, but this is not the right approach if you want the material to adequately reflect your objectives. By pinging for SEO alone, the content may come up short with respect to convincing readers to do what it is that is desired. Instead of being glib and vague in this regard, try opening up to your writers about the long-term and short-term goals of their work. This will increase the effectiveness of the communication and boost the potential of the content as well.

To Whom and From Whom?

In order for a writer to captivate the true intent of a message, a piece of content, or ad copy, he or she must be aware of two simple factors: who it is meant for, and who is behind the piece. The nature of communication with customers, subscribers and visitors revolves around being able to create content that reaches them in a meaningful way. Experienced copywriters and ghostwriters will know how to reach these audiences, but only if they know who they are in the first place. In addition to this, your brand is bound to have its own personality, writing style and characteristics that make it unique. If this information is not conveyed and you merely attempt to reach people by sharing links and pinging for SEO, then your efforts will fall short of what is possible.

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