How to Create A Professional Business Logo on a Budget

0 comments, 17/12/2012, by , in General

If your business has been lacking a certain flare to its brick and mortar or online venue, then it may be time to consider designing and unveiling a new professional business logo. Brand recognition has never been more important; in the age of the internet, there are countless websites, businesses and brands vying for the attention of millions of internet users. Having a professional logo that ascribes to the fundamentals of your company or website is crucial in making that vital impression upon visitors that will leave them remembering you. Below are some tips on how to effectively design and commission a business logo.


If you plan to create your own logo from scratch, then the best place to start is at your desk with a piece of paper and a pencil. By sketching out ideas for the logo as thoughts pop into your head, you can enhance the creative process and keep all of your doodles in one easy to locate place. If you have a tablet and/or stylus, you may use them in lieu of traditional paper. Whatever the approach, a core idea should manifest in this stage before you move on to the next phases. If you are running short on ideas, use search engine image results by pinging on iPad or your desktop.

Graphic Design

The next stage of the creative process in building a professional business logo pertains to the creation of text and imagery to begin solidifying a potential logo. Many companies make the mistake of using simple bitmap imagery to create their logos; unfortunately, this makes scaling and resizing a nightmare as pixelation or distortion is bound to occur. One of the ways around this is to use vector graphics, which are generated rather than drawn. This means that the shapes will adapt perfectly to any necessary resizing (for example, using a different size on a business card versus your actual website logo).


It is always recommended that each professional business logo have several variations in the beginning. There are multiple reasons as to why a business would want to do this. For starters, having a black and white version of your logo will make it optimal for printing in black and white (which sometimes is unavoidable). You can also utilize custom logos for particular times of the year if they are coloured differently or feature unique content suitable for that time. Many companies have customized holiday logos to show their spirit, while others may create multiple colour variations of the same logo to be used on various pages and advertisements.


Whether you are pinging on iPads, desktops or sketching out the rough draft on paper, a custom logo can be done by just about anyone with little to no upfront cost. Some knowledge is required, but that knowledge is permanent once learned and will come in handy at many points in the future. Those who cannot design a logo themselves but still are on a budget may find the services of Fiverr and other competitively-priced content creation hubs to be their best, cheapest and quickest solution. Whatever your decision, it is completely feasible to design a stellar professional logo with little to no budget.

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