How to Decide On a Colour Scheme for Your Website

0 comments, 29/12/2012, by , in General

Website Colour SchemeHaving the best layout for your website is crucial when it comes to how visitors view your business and your brand. One of the most important elements of a good layout is the incorporation of a consistent colour scheme. Making sure that the colour scheme flows with the design of the site and is not obnoxious will guarantee that visitors find your website aesthetically pleasing, making them more likely to return in the future. If you have been wondering how you should decide on a new colour scheme for your website, continue reading for several tips to make the process easier.

Sketch Out Ideas

Brainstorming is still the best way for webmasters to come up with great ideas – and colour schemes are no exception. You are invested in the creative process and as such, your natural flow of ideas can be very instrumental in coming up with the overall goals for a new colour scheme. Whether you wish to doodle your thoughts out on paper or use an image editing software to compare various colours, you can use your imagination to devise several potential colour schemes that may be used in your final design. You may also find inspiration by pinging sites for ideas that you feel are creative and unique.

Work Around The Logo

If you already have a logo that you love, then you may wish to build your colour scheme around it. If you are not satisfied with a colour scheme that meshes with your logo, then you will want to consider redesigning the logo. Your website’s colour scheme should be viewed in part as a broader element of your brand; if your logo and colour scheme clash in any way, then your overall design will not convey a consistent theme. Those who rectify this issue will appreciate the professionalism that will be on display with their newly-adopted, uniform scheme.

Use Colour Scheme Programs

For those who need a little assistance in selecting their ideal colour scheme, there are a variety of programs and online tools which allow webmasters to compare various palettes and come up with the most optimal colour scheme. One option, the Colour Scheme Designer, gives you the ability to select complementary, triad, tetrad or analogic themes that use a variety of colours which complement one another. The best part about using programs like these is that you avoid potential contrasting issues; nobody wants to deploy a theme, only to find out that it is obnoxious or straining on the eyes of their visitors.

Simplify Quantity

While some websites can successfully pull off the usage of a myriad of colours in their scheme, most websites will look rather silly if they feature more than three unique colours. We recommend that all webmasters adhere to this advice and use a scheme that incorporates two major colours with a tertiary colour used in an auxiliary fashion. If you need proof, begin pinging sites to see their colour schemes; you will discover that virtually all of them stick to using only 2 or 3 main colours in their schemes.

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