Tips for Writing an SEO Friendly Product Description

0 comments, 20/06/2017, by , in Online Business, SEO

The product description is largely responsible for turning a casual browser into a buyer, so it needs to be engaging and must cater to the needs and expectations of the potential customer. On the other hand, it also needs to be SEO friendly because in order to read what you have written, people need to find your site and your products first! So how do you strike a balance between the two? It isn’t easy but we have got some tips for you that may just make it a tad bit simpler.

Know Your Product

While writing a product description, it is imperative that you get to know the product as closely as possible. Apart from learning basic facts like why it’s made, how it works and who it has been made for, it’s best if you take a demo of the product yourself or use it for a while to get to know everything in person. This will allow you to write a product description that’s more relevant to the particular product in question, rather than just a generic description that your readers have more or less read twenty-times before.

Highlight What Matters

People hardly have the time to go through everything most of the time, so the key features of your product/service must be highlighted. Key features may include the following.

  • How is what you are trying to sell different from what the competition has to offer?
  • What innovations have you introduced?
  • Which features are most likely to attract your target audience?
  • What might be most beneficial to your target audience?

Keep it Short and Original

150 – 200 word descriptions are preferred by search engine crawlers so keep them short and to the point. Being original in what you write on the other hand is of the utmost importance. If Google finds out that you are using copy pasted materials for your product descriptions, your company’s name in the SERP rankings will go down into oblivion.

Weave in the Keywords

This is the toughest part of the job because weaving in keywords while maintaining the quality of your writing is not an easy feat. It must be done in a way so as the keywords do not feel out of context or forced while reading the description, because if that happens, then what you have written is no longer interesting or engaging. Keep the following points in mind to help you do both with as much efficiency as possible.

  • Use synonyms for relevant words, along with the original. For example, mobile phones are also known as smartphones, cell phones, handsets, etc.
  • Industry specific popular keywords must be used
  • Use questions to cater to the long tail keywords. For example, do we provide the fastest flower delivery in NYC?

While this is by no means an exhaustive list which contains all that there is to know about writing successful product descriptions, these simple but effective tips will help you avoid the basic mistakes and incorporate some useful tactics into writing your next product description.

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