Finding an Extra Half Hour Everyday to Share

0 comments, 16/02/2015, by , in Marketing, Social Media

Find TimeSocial media is about the natural give and take of a network of people with common interests. If you do not take the time to engage with an audience, then the communication that would normally occur simply will not occur. Between various forms of SEO and content creation, we can feel stretched to the limit when it comes to creating new and desirable posts and shares on social media. In the world of time management, however, there is always the ability to gain more efficiency. Below, we will talk about strategies that can help you find extra time in the day to use social media properly and ways in which you can put technology to work for you to make the process more efficient.

Procure a Social Media Management System

Your brand may have a lot to say, but that message won’t be getting very far if you are failing to take advantage of social media. Most brands try to focus on several social media networks at once. This is a good idea in theory, but if you’re doing it all by hand, then it can be quite time-intensive. The best way to consolidate efforts and save time is to use a social media management system for posting and sharing. Platforms such as Buffer can be great tools for streamlining this process. You’ll be able to post one link, format it as desired and have it shared across all of your social media networks. In addition, you’ll be able to schedule posts in advance for all of these networks, too. Rather than spending one or two minutes posting each link to each network, you can spend a few minutes daily posting all of the links to one source for them to be distributed when and where you desire.

Make the Commitment

Do you have a specific amount of time set aside each day for dealing with social media management? If not, then it’s high time that you do so. This should be a non-negotiable part of your daily grind. You may think that you have no time to save elsewhere, but this simply never is true. By committing to finding an additional half-hour each day in which you can engage in all things social media, you’ll quickly find other areas of your schedule that can be slightly tweaked. While pinging search engines for SEO benefit remains quite important, pinging your social media networks with content on a consistent basis is equally so.

Streamline Your Metrics

Do you have a social media reporting system that analyzes metrics and ensures that your ROI is being documented? If not, then you could be losing valuable time. While most social media networks now have some form of basic analytics in place to help people understand the number of clicks they receive and the reach of their posts, aggregating this information into a streamlined source will save you time on a weekly basis. Platforms such as Raven can help users do this, which leaves them with more time for pinging search engines with content and creating new pieces to share across social media.

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