Three Tools for Effective Social Media Management

0 comments, 11/02/2014, by , in Social Media

Social Media ManagementWhether you have just begun the process of developing a social media presence or already have a well-established series of platforms for your business, the act of managing multiple accounts can be a bit frustrating. Between the necessary updates that must be pushed to each entity and the need for consistent social media monitoring when it comes to your metrics, the work that social media entails is a lot more than people initially suspect. This is why a variety of tools have recently emerged that help social media gurus combine various tasks and simplify the process when possible. In the following article, we will discuss three tools that anyone can use to help make social media management a more effective endeavor.


An entry level solution for those who need social media assistance, Crowdbooster can be used by anyone with a Facebook or Twitter account. The interface easily connects to your accounts and sorts through your feeds to learn more about each audience. Users who are pinging URLs out at certain times will be able to tell whether they are having the most opportune effect on their audiences, as Crowdbooster determines when is the best time to send out tweets and updates. In addition to this, you will be able to see how many impressions you’ve made and the total reach of each post. Crowdbooster currently costs $9 per month for the basic package and will cover up to 50,000 followers.


It can be frustrating to juggle all of the different posts that must be made to each social media profile, but Everypost offers a simple solution to the problem. This app can be used with any iOS or Android device and allows users to write posts that are then pushed to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Google Plus and others. You can share text, articles, video, photos and more in just a few seconds, making it a great choice for on-the-go updates. This application is completely free, making it very desirable to those who have just begun their social media efforts and are on a budget.


Last but not least, Sprout Social is a great tool that can be used to monitor and manage multiple social media accounts across the web. Users will be able to schedule posts in advance, reply to messages and inspect comprehensive analytics that are collected from each source. You can even search all of your feeds at once for mentions and specific topics of interest, in order to see how users are experiencing and interacting with your brand. Currently, Sprout can be purchased for as little as $40 per month, with professional plans ranging in price from $60-100 per month.


It doesn’t matter whether are pinging URLs to customers or sharing photos with prospective clients, social media is a powerful tool for brand awareness. The three social media management tools above can all be great ways to maximize efficiency and help you better understand the needs and desires of your audience. If you are serious about social media management, then you definitely want to check out these three utilities.

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