Google + Can Form an Important Part of Your Online Identity

0 comments, 12/03/2015, by , in Social Media

Plus IdentityThere’s no doubt that Google + is one of the most divisive social media platforms out there. Some people swear by it, yet others declare it a failure given its relative lack of success when compared to platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. The truth probably lies somewhere in-between, but there’s no doubt that it can help you in a big way if you utilise it properly. If you’re a business professional and you are looking to consolidate your online reputation, there can be no better platform. Google + and Google authorship should go hand in hand to help you to build a strong online reputation. A few +1’s from the right people act just as strongly as a retweet or a like, so use it!

Google + Is A Great Central Location!

Google + can work brilliantly as a central location for reputation management along with any branding. Google is out to find out as much as it possibly can about you, because it wants to be the authoritative source on the net about you. The great thing here is it gives you a perfect opportunity to take control of the information on the net that is available about you. Make Google + along with your own website the central points of information about yourself on the net. You should link from your Google + account to your other social media accounts and all of the other places you post content. You should also focus on making your content easily shareable through Google + by adding the appropriate social sharing buttons where your content is found. Also make absolutely sure that your Google + profile is completely filled out with great and relevant content. Doing all of these things will influence your rankings in the Google + search results, and is a big factor when Google + suggests people to follow for other users.

Google + Is a Great Platform for Fresh Content

Google + may not be as big as Facebook and Twitter, but it is a major player, particularly when it comes to industry leaders and finding professional people in your field of work. It’s perfect for finding likeminded people who will be interested in your content. Of course, you have to give them a helping hand, so it’s always advantageous to add a few sentences to introduce your content, which can make a big difference in terms of gaining shares.

Google + and Authorship

Authorship is so important at the moment. Authorship allows people to link content giving a clear indication of who created the content. Put simply, anyone regularly sharing quality content that gets picked up on will see a major benefit in Author Rank. Naturally, you should be sharing all of your authored content through your Google + profile.

On top of all this, you can use Google + Circles, Google + Hangouts and Google + communities to help you to send the message out about your business or whatever it is you are promoting. It’s easy to forget about Google + as being one of the driving social media sites, but utilised correctly, it can be a big driver for your business.

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