Content Ideas for Pleasing Your Quarantined Audiences

0 comments, 22/04/2020, by , in Online Business

With a global pandemic raging, more people than ever are cooped up at home. Given it’s springtime and people are now more stir-crazy than ever to get out of the house, the impact that park, store, venue and job closures are having on people right now is immense. For many, the internet is the only life-line in existence for socializing with friends, families and strangers alike.

Now more than ever, optimizing content for audiences who want to be out in the world rather than at home is crucial. Brands that properly cultivate content that takes these desires into account can stand to make major gains in attracting new readers, subscribers and shares.

Let’s examine some content ideas you can develop today that’ll please your quarantined audiences.

Learning Opportunities

In the absence of being able to experience the world in traditional terms, many content creators will do well to provide audiences with chances to learn new skills and information. What sorts of content can be created to facilitate these desires in the midst of a quarantine?

One such example may be homeschooling: with families having to keep their children at home due to schools being closed, many are interested in helping their children learn while away from traditional learning. Another example are online courses for adults, providing them with the resources to acquire new skills that may be needed for future job searches.

Ultimately, pinging users with content that helps them learn new methods and skills during this downtime will prove to be highly-productive for content creators.

Virtual Getaways

When people can’t get out and see the world as they wish, what’s the next best thing? For many, reading, watching or learning about distant destinations and traveling is as good as it gets right now. Content creators who can build a reputable amount of content in the short-term surrounding travel and the idea of getting away from it all can actually expect big returns on investment.

Whether it be talking up hot destinations that may not be visited for a few months or exploring a cadre of remote getaways where quarantines, social distancing and germs aren’t a consideration, letting people daydream of better opportunities via travel is a sure-fire way to further syndicate and distribute your content to the masses during this pandemic.


Perhaps the biggest distraction of all, entertainment is helping people keep their minds off of social isolation and a lack of activities. Movies, TV shows and gaming alike are all examples of entertainment many are enjoying currently: creating content that focuses on these forms of entertainment can be an excellent way of pinging users for optimal content effect.

Given that people are looking for lighthearted distractions to pass the time, diving head-first into entertainment content is an excellent choice for online bloggers and brands who can do so effectively.

While this pandemic will pass sooner or later, content creators have ample opportunities to make the most of the situation now. Whether it be education, entertainment, travel or something entirely different, there are a variety of in-demand content categories currently that brands can use to resonate with the quarantined masses and improve their brand reach.

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