Common Spammy and Scammy SEO Situations to Avoid

0 comments, 29/09/2021, by , in SEO

Search engine optimization has never been more difficult than it is today. While previous generations were able to manipulate search results with ease, today’s marketers, content creators and brands must approach the process with finesse. The sheer number of hours and effort required to master SEO and generate ideal results is frustrating – and that can lead to many potentially terrible decisions.

Seeking an easy way out that allows for quick results is of course every person’s dream. But like with most other areas in life, it is just not realistic. Steering clear of scams and low-quality tactics is crucial if you want to survive in today’s SEO climate, but what should be avoided?

Let’s take a quick look at some of the most common scammy and spammy SEO situations you shouldn’t embrace.

Guest Post Offers (Sometimes)

One of the biggest scams afloat revolves around the notion of receiving free guest posts to publish on your website and blog. This particular situation can be quite difficult to navigate, as there are plenty of legitimate guest posting requests where people provide valuable content that matches your brand’s interests.

However, where it becomes a potential bait-and-switch is when the writer includes one or more links within their free content that points to questionable or otherwise unrelated websites. Search engines generally will forgive a limited number of these examples, but if a large number of guest posts point to websites that aren’t contextual to both the content and your site, it can cause issues.

Guaranteed Results

It’s certainly not uncommon these days for various unsolicited emails to find their way into your inbox. With SEO specifically, one of the most common instances involves purported SEO experts who can improve your standing in search results. These individuals start by pinging servers with the same pitch, often sending it to thousands of different individuals.

They love to promise a specific amount of benefit or results that will be achieved within a set time. This is a huge red flag, as no one can guarantee results in the world of SEO. Let these email pitches find their way into your spam folder or trash can, and avoid engaging with them.

Fake Endorsements and Relationships

Finally, it’s vital to keep in mind the reputations of any company, person or entity with whom your brand collaborates. Verifying that they are who they say they are is essential in avoiding scams and other low-quality SEO practices. However, some less-than-reputable entities attempt to circumvent these concerns by volunteering very positive claims of association upfront.

Whether they claim they are “endorsed by Google” or have worked for prestigious companies’ SEO efforts in the past, assume it’s not true if it cannot be independently verified. Ask for references and points of contact for any pitch that involves claiming credit for something, as it can often be absolute nonsense.

Scammers and fly-by-night SEO “gurus” love pinging servers with pitches to people who may fall victim to their practices when unaware. Be sure to take these common spammy, scammy behaviors into account any time you begin interacting with someone offering their services.


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