Building and Maintaining Authority Backlinks

4 comments, 06/04/2012, by , in Plugins and Tools, SEO

Backlinks BoardEveryone wants to have lots of quality backlinks as they are the “backbone” to any website’s ultimate success.  It is virtually impossible to dominate any search category without having an established, reputable amount of backlinks and backlink traffic coming into your site and this often is the primary reason why so many websites fail in their quest to become the best in their field.  Authority backlinks are especially important and take your site’s visibility to a new level.  Some of the most well-known examples of authority backlinks comes from .edu, .gov and DMOZ online directory sources.  Here are a few tips to show you how to obtain these coveted authority backlinks and how to keep tabs on each authority backlink coming into your site.

Guest Blogging

When it comes to sites referenced by Yahoo or DMOZ, guest blogging is always an option to get backlinks from high-quality sites.  Many content-driven sites are always looking for guest writers in order to fill their pages and if the trade-off is simply an established backlink, most webmasters will happily agree.  Locate your intended “targets” and fire off emails to see who will respond in request to your offer.  You just may end up being pleasantly surprised at how many sites will take you up on your offer, as you can’t put a price on good, free content.

Forum Signatures and Posts

There are plenty of sites with authority backlink status that have forums where you can quietly and easily insert your website into your signature and/or profile and hence pick up additional authority backlinks.  Sites such as MSDN, Wikio along with many major educational institutions offer easy ways to post articles or ideas and in the process, get your desired backlink.  As always, check out DMOZ for ideas on where to begin as they break up their links by category and this makes it far easier to find the specific category of websites that you wish to use in your backlink endeavours.

Social Networking Communities

There are several ways in which you can also build backlinks for your site using the magic of social networking platforms.  One of the best ways that individuals build traffic is to create fan pages or documents that link back to your site.  Facebook is the most popular platform where you can utilize this approach and due to Facebook’s high PageRank, your site will get a boost from having its link affiliated with the site.  In order to be effective, however, plan on adding as many backlinks as possible; just one link to your site from Facebook or Twitter will not be enough to make a noticeable impression on traffic or search ranking.

Manage Acquired Backlinks

Keeping track of all your authority backlinks used to be a chore that required extensive checking and verifying.  One of Pingler’s tools, the Authority Link Checker, will return the results of every authority site that has a backlink to your web page.  In just one query, you can see each website as it is broken down by


  1. April 22nd, 2012 21:38

    Good website I found info very informative. I come here all the time and they always deliver good content!


  2. June 6th, 2012 10:58

    I really need a WordPress plugin that allows me to DISABLE the shopping cart functionality, but still build a product database with options and categories. have tried ‘Ecwid’ and ‘The WP e-Commerce Plugin’, but neither have an option to disable the shopping cart. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  3. November 30th, 2013 13:52

    For now, social networking is very powerful technique as a backlink in comparison with other techniques, such as forums signatures or guest blogging. Moreover, if you get a lot of attention from G+.


  4. December 9th, 2014 12:14

    This need all time work but i want to little sleep 🙂


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