Smart Recommendations for App Store Optimization

0 comments, 20/08/2016, by , in SEO

Mobile AppsThe era of mobile apps has transformed the way in which we use mobile phones and devices. With literally millions of apps available for download on Android and iOS devices alike, you can pretty much find a solution, game or tool for any imaginable situation. If you have taken advantage of this situation and have built your very own app, then you’ll want to ensure that it has the very best chance to be successful. Whether you’re providing the world with a free app or a paid app, here are some very smart recommendations for optimizing your app in any app store, for search engines and search users alike.

Don’t Cram Keywords

You’ve undoubtedly seen at least one example of it: a random app you’re browsing for has keyword after keyword stuffed into its title and description. While app developers and marketers may think this is a good idea, it generally is not for multiple reasons. First of all, keyword stuffing can make your description (and therefore pitch) come across as inorganic, difficult to read or otherwise stiff. On top of this, pinging servers with massive amounts of one or more keywords can still have an impact on whether your app will appear in search results on Google and other search engines. While most downloads come through the app stores themselves, you don’t want to miss out on another valuable source of traffic.

Invest in Imagery

Half of the sell of an app revolves around presentation. If your app appears to be aesthetically off in any way, then there will be people who decide to go with a seemingly better solution. This aspect of marketing – the proper design and placement of icons, previews, screenshots and other elements – must be considered and considered carefully. Your icon should help summarize what your app is all about, your screenshots should show the app in action and try to showcase the most interesting features of it, and even the app’s title must be carefully considered in order to optimize those initial clicks.

Periodically Improve Your Optimization

Many apps may have been optimized initially when first published to an app store, but do not receive much attention after the fact. This is a big no-no and can result in diminished performance over time. If you want to be sure that your app continues to generate revenue or utility for your brand, then you need to periodically evaluate it and improve in any areas where improvements can be made. Perhaps an update in the title is in order, or maybe a new set of niche keywords can be targeted. A lot can change in a few months, so be sure to always check out your app page and provide it with any optimizations necessary.

Optimizing your apps for app store performance is a smart thing to do. Many people either become complacent or skimp initially on the marketing and development of the app in the store. You want to ensure that you’re pinging servers with a well-described app that includes plenty of relevant imagery, up-to-date optimizations and a healthy mix of keywords that ensure it can be found.

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