Why “the Millennial Problem” Matters for Your Marketing

0 comments, 06/11/2015, by , in Marketing

Millennial FeetWhether you engage in basic content marketing or another form of digital marketing that revolves around product and service promotion, the need to adequately reach target markets is crucial. Historically, marketing has featured some pretty standard elements that generate success. Older audiences are much easier to please, much easier to attract and much easier to trick, but the nature of technology is changing this concept. The younger generations – particularly Millennials – are far more adept when it comes to detecting standard marketing techniques. Below, we’ll explain how this “Millennial problem” can substantially affect your marketing strategies.

Millennials Know When They’re Being Targeted

Unlike most generations throughout the history of marketing, Millennials know exactly when businesses and brands are trying to earn their business. The nature of traditional marketing strategies coupled with advanced technologies have given this generation an innate knowledge of when brands are pinging websites designed to sell products and services at them. Furthermore, they really do not like it. This puts brands in a very odd position in which their target audience may not only be aware of what they’re doing, but may also resent them for it. Such challenges have made it much harder to target younger adults as a specific bloc, and therefore require tactics that utilize a bit more tact.

Millennials Expect Quality

In order to circumvent the “marketing resentment” problem, brands and businesses must deliver to Millennials an unprecedented amount of quality in their marketing efforts. Again, technology’s prevalence has delivered to Millennials an unprecedented amount of media and information, making them very picky with respect to how and where they obtain information. Millennials want to be informed, entertained and persuaded in ways that most marketing companies of yesteryear wouldn’t understand. The notion of viral marketing is largely based around this concept: in order to make impressions with individuals, an exciting, informative or creative media approach must be used. Above all else, Millennial marketing efforts must focus on quality.

Millennials Have Choice

Traditional marketing efforts relied upon a certain level of limitation when it came to from where customers could source their selection. Whether it be mail-order catalogues or physical establishments, these dynamics often meant less competition. Today, Millennials are acutely aware of the choices they have and can choose from a virtually limitless supply of products, services and forms of information. If you want to make inward roads with this demographic, then you must understand that Millennials can choose to go elsewhere – and they know it. Within seconds, they can be pinging websites from all the world that compete directly with your own. When devising marketing strategies that cater to Millennials, be aware of this potential problem.


For any 21st century marketing strategy, the effect that Millennials will have on overall success must be considered. Millennials are fully aware of the choices and competition out there, they expect a certain minimum level of quality in order to be taken seriously, and they have an innate knowledge of when they are being blatantly targeted by marketers. Understanding these elements can help brands make more intelligent choices about how they choose to market to this audience in the future.

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