Why Targeting Bing with SEO Strategies Matters

0 comments, 04/12/2020, by , in SEO

Whenever search engine optimization is discussed these days, it is almost entirely within the context of Google search results. While Google comprises roughly 90 percent of global search market share, there are a variety of other search engines that have meaningful shares as well. Particularly in the US, Bing is the most obvious contender.

Did you know that nearly one in three searches performed in the US are done through Bing’s search solutions (directly or indirectly)? This makes Bing a very important contender for any SEO plans: if you’re having trouble ranking for Google SERPs, then taking a second look at Bing definitely matters.

Let’s examine why targeting Bing search results via your SEO efforts absolutely matters in 2020 and beyond.

Bing Is Arguably Easier to Target Successfully

Google is a behemoth: to balance the sheer market share it enjoys and ensure it serves the very best content possible, it has created a plethora of algorithms to validate websites and pages. While many of these are great additions and help ensure users receive the best information and content possible, it can be a nightmare for websites just beginning their SEO journeys.

Those who are pinging for SEO should definitely consider Bing as an alternative. Generally speaking, Bing places fewer obstacles in the path of websites seeking to elevate their presence in search. This doesn’t mean that Bing’s rankings are inferior, but it does mean that bloggers and brands alike can more easily rise the ranks in Bing results if their content is up to par.

Bing Is Used by Multiple Search Engines

Google by itself is a massive entity and therefore generally controls its search engine use in monopolistic fashion. Bing, on the other hand, not only provides search services through its primary web presence, but also lets other search engines and platforms use it to power their own platforms.

Some of the biggest examples of websites that provide search via Bing include Yahoo and AOL. Millions upon millions of searches are conducted every day on these two platforms alone. In addition, Bing helps power dozens of other search engines that may or may not be well-known, but nevertheless generate traffic.

As such, targeting Bing via SEO means you can reach a very diverse audience across a variety of different platforms and continents alike.

Bing Rewards Social Media Presence

Google has clearly stated that social media signals are not a direct ranking factor for SEO. However, Bing takes a different approach – and it’s arguably one of the biggest differences between the two search engines.

Brands that have reliable and long-standing social media activity can expect to perform better in Bing search results when adding SEO strategies into the mix. This means that even relatively small brands who have been active on social media are already helping to improve their SEO via Bing: why not help amplify the dynamic even more by pinging for SEO benefits?

While Bing’s market share is certainly smaller than Google’s, it provides roughly one-third of search volume in the US on a daily basis. Bing offers a variety of benefits for those already engaged in SEO and those just beginning their forays into the art. Ultimately, Bing’s relative ease of use with regard to SEO make it a very appealing platform to target.


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