Why It’s Important to Test New E-Commerce Pages Before They Go Live

Developing an e-commerce website is an involved process that entails a lot of steps. One of these steps is testing. All pages have to be tested before they go live. This is also true for any additional pages added to the website or application later. In this article, we discuss why doing this is so important.

To Ensure a Consistent Experience

User experience is crucial for an e-commerce website or app because people will leave and likely never come back if they have a bad user experience on your platform.  You likely have done a lot of user experience testing and made lots of tweaks to ensure your platform provides the best experience possible.

You need to ensure users get the same experience with any new pages you add to it. Not only that, but you will need to test the new pages you are adding as rigorously as you did the rest of the platform before it went live. This is the only way to ensure a consistent user experience across your whole platform.

Ensure Proper Integration

In addition to ensuring that the page being added provides a consistent experience, you also need to ensure that it integrates well with other pages on the platform. This is especially important if it is an important part of the customer journey, such as an account or checkout page.

It should work in the larger context of the platform, and not just as a standalone page, which is what consistency measures.

Security Testing

Because of the amount of data that e-commerce platforms hold, they are a target for malicious actors. This is why security is so important for all e-commerce platforms. Even after you have tested the whole website and ensured it meets the highest security standards, a new page can introduce new security issues.

Test new web pages to identify serious vulnerabilities and deal with them before malicious actors cause millions of dollars in actual and reputational damage.

To Ensure It Works As Expected on Different Browsers and Platforms

E-commerce pages are full of different types of code. Each of these pages is opened in a different browser, which all use different engines to render pages. Some features work on some browsers and not on others.

These discrepancies can cause user experience issues for some of your users and must be addressed before any e-commerce pages go live.

All the above is also true for different platforms. For example, one visitor might open your website on a Safari browser on their Apple computer, while another opens it in Firefox on their Linux machine.

You need to ensure both visitors have a similar experience or one that is as similar as possible.

Performance Testing

Simply put, performance testing has to do with how the page performs. This type of testing ensures the page performs as expected and is typically done alongside testing on different devices and platforms. The three things tested here include scalability, stability, and speed.

Testing is a crucial part of the development cycle. It is a step that ensures everything is working as expected and producing the results expected. It is a critical part of ensuring a good customer experience, which is especially essential on e-commerce platforms.

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