Why Creating Content in Advance Is a Great Idea

0 comments, 31/03/2017, by , in General, Online Business

Whether you run a blog, website or social media account, one rule remains: content is king. In order to keep your audiences captivated and engaged, you need to constantly be producing a fresh flow of content. This can be anything from podcasts and blog posts to live video and infographics. Many people set aside a specific amount of time each week to create new content, with the intent being to publish it immediately. Some have found, however, that creating content in advance/all at once can be a much better use of time and energy. What are the reasons behind this? We’ll talk about them below so that you can make the right decision for your brand.

Avoid Unexpected Happenings

Whenever you have the free time to create more content, doing so can help you ensure that your content marketing efforts go unhindered. With all that life throws at us, we never know when a sudden mishap, accident or event can take us away from our passions. By creating and scheduling content for publication weeks or months in advance, you not only will ensure the content is delivered in a timely fashion but will also ensure there are no interruptions during this time. All in all, you’ll find that doing work in advance will result in relief at certain points rather than stress over not pinging users with content because something suddenly came up.

More Time to Experiment

If your content schedule is rigid or regular in its offerings, then you may not have much time to explore or experiment with new topics and ideas. By creating content for your blog or website in advance, you can then use that extra time to explore new ideas. Whether you want to work on an entirely new project or explore more angles in-depth than you would otherwise, having that buffer room makes it easier to branch out and try new things. You’ll be able to get a lot more done, as all the time in the future you planned to use for creating your regular content will still be available.

Invest in Other Areas

Especially true if you’re running a broader brand, think about how much more time you can focus periodically on improving your brand. Need a new website design? Want to try your luck at more social media promotion? Whatever the goal, you’ll now have additional time to spend tweaking with these concepts and improving your brand’s reach overall.

Bonus: Arguments Against

Last but not least, we’ll cover a couple of reasons why some argue against creating content in advance. First of all, depending on the niche, current events may develop that could make a post written weeks or months ago that was set to auto-publish suddenly look insensitive. In addition, highly-specific posts written in advance could become obsolete or new information could emerge between the time you wrote them and they publish. In both of these cases, it’s important to be careful what exactly you write or create in advance.

For the most part, scheduling content in advance can help you avoid missing deadlines, provide more time for creating different types of content and can give you the freedom to focus on other areas of the site. What are some other reasons you’d like to have a surplus of content created in advance?


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