What Not To Say & Do On Your Landing Page

0 comments, 01/04/2013, by , in General

Landing PageOur landing pages are used for a variety of reasons – maybe you are wanting to attract readers to a particular cause or event, or maybe it is being used as a simple introduction to your website’s mission. Regardless, landing pages are viewed as a summary of our projects and can accordingly leave a good or bad first impression upon any given visitor. Many landing pages make the mistake of inadequately selling the premise of the website or completely fail by turning off visitors. The following article will help you avoid making some of the biggest mistakes when creating your next landing page.

I Wanna Talk About Myself

One of the biggest no-nos when it comes to building a landing page is the overusage of your personal bonafides. Particularly prominent on many freelancing websites, an individual who rambles on about his or her accomplishments and personal biography is far less likely to convince users to engage with their brand than a landing page that summarizes the key points of the premise being pitched. Pinging noise like this at potential customers will not only result in no sales, but it will also most likely lead to zero future interaction from that person with your brand. It is fine to showcase your credentials on your website: just don’t do it on the landing page.

Making The Pitch Too Soon

The main premise of a landing page is to slowly pique and engage the reader’s interest – all while demonstrating the validity and key points of the project, mission or brand. Why then would you instantly move into selling mode? Let’s be clear: you definitely want to provide readers an outlet where they can gain more information or test your product, but you do not need to be describing how to sign up or purchase on the landing page itself. Rather than encouraging people to “sign up now”, use the chance to offer the ability to “try our services” instead. Overly suggestive landing pages turn people off in many of the same ways that talking about yourself too much does.

Being Bland and Shy

After reading the last two tips, you may be worried that your landing page approach is too overt. While some landing pages make the mistake of boasting too much or attempting to suggest services too often, you do have to be clear in your premise and drive home the key points of using your product, service or website. Failing to utilize contrasting buttons for calls to action or providing clear subtitles to separate valuable pieces of information from the rest of the page will make your project lack the necessary flow to be convincing. By being clear on the objective and highlighting the importance of it via design elements, you can avoid pinging noise to your readers.


At the end of the day, landing pages that succeed do so because they balance various elements: suggestive selling, well-summarized information and clear benefits in using the service or product. Most mistakes happen because one of these elements end up being out of step with the others, either being under or overly accentuated. By not tooting your own horn too much, giving readers a chance to think about your premise before being bombarded with sales pitches and using vivid imagery to highlight the important elements, you can have a successful landing page for virtually any project.

Landing Page

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