Using Social Bookmarking to Increase Visitors to Your Site

7 comments, 27/07/2011, by , in SEO

Social BookmarkingThe advantage of creating back links to your site is well known and sites which have a good number of back links from quality sites achieve high search engine rankings and therefore get much higher traffic than sites which do not have such good back links.

In terms of back links, most people go for as many back links as they can get but pay no real attention to the actual back link quality. In reality the quality of back links is more important than the number. What people find more difficult is finding those quality back links. Social Bookmarking offers a method of getting high quality link and therefore significant increases in traffic.

Many of the so called social bookmarking sites have a pretty high page rank by Google, including which has a page rank of 9, with a page rank of 8 and Facebook with an amazing page rank of 10.

The trick therefore is to create quality content on pages which are included on these social bookmarking sites. The beauty is that such sites can quickly make your page(s) go viral which means that thousands of people have viewed your webpage and therefore there is a higher chance of making sales or collecting email addresses from which to build a list.

Let’s take a look at Facebook as an example. If you look at various pages on Facebook you will see that some of the more popular pages have over 100,000 visitors in a 24 hour period! How many of your web pages can you say that about?

As the first step you need to find a fan page which concentrates on a topic which is similar to the theme of your website and which also has already attracted lots of visitors. Then try and contact the owner of the page by pmail and offer to supply quality content to their page in exchange for a link to your fan page. If they agree then two or three of these contacts will quickly send your page viral and once the growth spurt starts there will be no stopping it.

Finally make sure that the search engines know that your page exists by pinging a deep link to your specific Facebook page URL. Try our automatic pinging service to help you do this on autopilot and watch your page go viral.



  1. August 1st, 2011 5:24

    very nice, but a newbie like me is hard to write something well.


  2. August 1st, 2011 13:21

    Very Informative Article…


  3. August 6th, 2011 14:09

    Social bookmarking is the key of SEO. Google search results now take into consideration of social media traffic also


  4. August 13th, 2011 9:43

    Interesting Article. But what’s the difference between the free and paid version? Also, isn’t this pinging achieved by using SB ping service?


  5. August 15th, 2011 10:46

    Nice info, thank you for you share info to us 🙂


  6. August 23rd, 2011 2:58

    My facebook fan page has 400+ fans but it’s hard to get it to increase. I feel like I missed the moment for it to go viral.


  7. September 6th, 2011 0:42

    But what’s the difference between the free and paid version? Also, isn’t this pinging achieved by using SB.


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