Use These Call to Action Elements to Engage More People

0 comments, 01/07/2016, by , in Making Money, Marketing

Telephone CallCalls to action are important elements in any broader content marketing strategy. After all, traffic to your website and pages means nothing if the readers are not converting or engaging in the way desired. You can run into many situations in which people simply are not responding to your pitches and marketing efforts. Fortunately, there is often an easy fix in terms of refining your CTA methods, landing pages, and other elements. Because this is important, we’ll discuss today how you can include a few different CTA elements in your content that will help boost the amount of engagement you receive.

Provide Value

The best way in which to convince visitors to act upon your request is to offer something of value in exchange. Many successful brands have made their calls to action centred around giving away something. Whether this be a free item, e-book or a discount for purchases in the future, everybody loves something free. As long as the value is relevant to the subject matter at-hand, you can often find a way to boost engagement and conversions by following this tactic. The great thing about this strategy is that it can work through any medium: whether you’re pinging servers with email marketing attempts, promoting ads on social media or sharing offers directly through your website, you can improve results by offering value.

Address Known Concerns

Whether you are reaching out to people via a landing page or an email, it is important to provide context and information that can help them make a decision. One of the biggest reasons why calls to action fall short is because this is not considered. In order to relieve people’s concerns and worries about buying a product or otherwise engaging with your call to action, consider how you can address the most common concerns and worries in your pitch. For instance, if you offer no-hassle refunds, be sure to mention that. Whatever customers or subscribers may have on their minds, if you can address it up front and put their minds to rest, then you’ll be able to substantially increase the number of people who follow through.

Provoke Intrigue

If you are running ads for your calls to action and want to convince people to engage further, then it is always a good idea to consider how you can increase their intrigue and curiosity. Many brands have created successful call to action campaigns by using a lead-in question to pique readers’ curiosities. Through the use of intriguing questions, buzzwords and action words, you can capture a reader’s attention and make them want to learn more. From this point on, you’ll just need to master your landing page pitch and closing in order to enjoy a successful conversion.

There are many different ways for you to be pinging servers with calls to action. Not all produce equal results, but you will learn through trial and error how to best optimize the practice. By intriguing readers, addressing known concerns and providing value, you can easily begin engaging more people with your calls to action.

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