Is Your Facebook Page Up-to-Date? Five Things to Monitor

0 comments, 02/06/2013, by , in Marketing

Facebook CommentsThe concept of Facebook pages has revolutionized the way in which brands interact with their customers: before their existence, the only feasible way to advertise on Facebook was through the groups feature, which could often be annoying to those in them as they received notifications for every new post or reply. Facebook pages allow for a minimally-intrusive method of interaction, pinging URLs and other status updates via a user’s feed. When people view your page, however, how can you be sure they are receiving the most relevant information and are enjoying all the features Facebook has to offer? Below, we’ll discuss five simple acts of maintenance you can perform to ensure your Facebook page is relevant and up-to-date.

Turn On Comment Replies

A relatively new feature implemented by Facebook, pages can now be configured to allow community users to reply to any comment on a specific Facebook page. Some brands may find this feature to be quite appealing, while others may discourage its use depending on the subject of the page. Regardless, user interaction is a prime metric of success on Facebook pages and many brands have opted to allow this feature in the hopes of augmenting interaction on their pages.

Activate Your Custom URL

All too many pages are failing to utilize the feature of custom URLs, which allows you to adopt a specific URL for your page (“”). Not only will this allow you to further solidify your brand’s presence on Facebook by preventing others from using your identity, but it can also help both existing and potential Facebook followers to find you more easily. In addition, pinging URLs from Facebook will increase your standing in select search results. Rather than telling someone to search for you on Facebook, you can provide a short and easily-memorized URL that allows them to quickly locate your page.

Gain Search Traction via ‘Basic Information’

In the ‘Basic Information’ section of your Facebook page’s settings, there are numerous fields that can be filled with information about your page, brand and mission. Some of these fields include ‘Short Description’, ‘Company Overview’, ‘Description’ and ‘General Information’. Filling out these fields will allow the information to be propagated to search engines, providing a benefit to all pages who complete them – especially locally-oriented pages.

Add and Update Tabs

The tab feature of Facebook pages allow you to create a multi-functional experience for users rather than settling for a one-dimensional approach to disseminating information. With up to three tabs that can be directly displayed on your page, having these up-to-date with the latest news, promotions and events regarding your brand can further encourage your followers to take action in the ways you desire. You’ll gain even more attention by using bright, colourful buttons for each tab to help readers notice them at first glance.

Use Cover Images

Implemented several months ago, cover images allow for a background to be displayed atop your Facebook page in conjunction with a profile picture. This cover image can be used to provide some extra aesthetic appeal to your page and set it apart from the rest, but it is also a great way to convey an extra amount of information about your brand. Many pages are using this as a way to advertise their website addresses and contact information, making sure users are never in doubt when it comes to ways in which they can communicate with you.

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