Using PageHeat to Analyse Your Website
When you run a website, it can be easy to get a little bit obsessed with the stats relating to it. In the early days of posting a new blog post, you probably can’t help refreshing the stats at least every two minutes for a while afterwards to see if your tweets about it or links to it are doing their job. If you think you have a spot of web related obsessive compulsive disorder, or want to analyse how well your site is doing for more sensible and professional reasons, your PageHeat ranking is another thing you can check and try to improve.
What is PageHeat?
PageHeat tracks and ranks millions of sites from all over the web, using things like search engine results, traffic, overall popularity, and many other factors to determine its results. Its exact algorithms aren’t publicly known, but it uses data about sites from a lot of sources to come up with a rating on a 0-10 scale, with 10 being the most popular and effective of sites. A rating of zero generally doesn’t mean that your site is awful and everyone hates it, but rather that it isn’t on PageHeat’s index yet.
Why Should I Care What PageHeat Thinks?
PageHeat can be a good guide to how well your SEO strategy (if you have one, and you know you should) is working. On its own, it isn’t the ideal thing to base your view of your site’s success on, but it is definitely worth checking your PageHeat ranking as part of any overall SEO analysis you are doing on your site. It can also be enlightening to see a different and new statistic if you do most of your analysis using Google stats.
How Can I Find Out My Site’s PageHeat Ranking?
So now you’ve heard of this intriguing PageHeat tool you are probably itching to know how your own website stacks up, right? Well, happily your friends here at can guide you on this journey of discovery, with one of our range of excellent and free site SEO analysis tools. Simply click here to visit the PageHeat Tool Checker, enter the URL you want to check the ranking for, and click continue to see your score. Use it as many times as you like. Check your friends’ sites’ scores and call them up to gloat that yours is better. We encourage it.
My PageHeat Ranking Sucks. What Can I Do About It?
If you didn’t get the results you were hoping for, or you did, but you still want to make it better, you are going to need to work on your SEO. PageHeat looks at both your SEO and your popularity and traffic, but popularity and traffic on the whole, are only ever the result of good SEO. Run some further analysis on your site (we have plenty of stuff that can help you) for a deeper insight into where your site may be lacking, and revise your strategy. Maybe you need more content, or a better approach to keyword usage. Maybe you need more links to your URLs dotted around the web. There is always remedial action you can take, but analysis is always the first step.
nice article but the links in your article doesn’t work. thanks for your insights though. very helpful.
Thank you Kristine, we appreciate your comments and for bringing the issue to our attention. We fixed the links and they should be working fine now.