For a wide variety of blogs, brands and businesses, appealing to the customer is a primary goal. Content created with the sole purpose of persuading individuals and inspiring them to action is at the core of content marketing and content creation, but some businesses face a more difficult challenge.... Read more...
Now more than ever, businesses are under increasing economic strain and pressure from competitors. Whether a business operates a brick-and-mortar operation or a digital one, the challenges of earning exposure, selling products and services, successfully retaining customers and growing long-term prof... Read more...
One thing is known universally among content creators online: the need for marketing your content is an absolute must. Through a combination of organic and paid marketing efforts, brands have to strive in order to get their content in front of enough people to make a splash. Whether the goal is to g... Read more...
Regardless of your brand, blog or business goals, entities both large and small know that digital marketing requires the presence of content. In fact, those seeking organic exposure on social media and via search engines know that content is the end-all, be-all variable in attracting new users, visi... Read more...
Content creation serves many important roles for online brands. First and foremost, an abundance of content gives users a reason to visit your website, whether you supply merely information or sell products and services as well. Content helps indicate to search engines that your website is active an... Read more...
For decades, content marketing has been ever-present in our daily lives. From ads in the local newspaper and infomercials to persuasive blog posts and affiliate marketing, people are constantly being fed information with the intent of persuading them in one way or another. Content marketing in it... Read more...
Whether at the office or on the go, content marketing opportunities can present themselves any time, any place. Ultimately, those adept enough at sharing content that is both relevant to their brand and entertaining can make plenty of inward roads into audiences that would be receptive to their mess... Read more...
The act of content creation can sometimes be massive. From the hours of research and investigation to the hours spent actually compiling posts, articles and other forms of content, it's easy to feel exhausted once the content is complete. Unfortunately, the task of creating and delivering successful... Read more...
Long known as the most popular content management system in the world, WordPress is used to run roughly one in three of all websites globally. Its easy-to-use interface and universally adaptable design make it a common favorite of businesses and brands that truly want to customize their users' and v... Read more...
The planning that goes into your content marketing strategy may ultimately determine whether or not you are successful. All too many times, brands and businesses rush through this part of the marketing process and find themselves without true direction when the going gets tough. Unfortunately, more ... Read more...