Is Your Content Marketing Lacking the Marketing Element?

0 comments, 25/03/2020, by , in Marketing

Regardless of your brand, blog or business goals, entities both large and small know that digital marketing requires the presence of content. In fact, those seeking organic exposure on social media and via search engines know that content is the end-all, be-all variable in attracting new users, visitors, subscribers and customers.

Many will remind us that content itself can do the work for us when designed properly, as people crave valuable information. However, content itself must contain a marketing component to be as successful as possible; whether you are selling products or trying to earn shares on social media, forgetting about the marketing element is not acceptable (though increasingly common).

Today, we’ll examine what to do in order to bolster the marketing aspects of your content creation strategy.

Content Needs Purpose

Creating quality content that can stand on its own is an essential part of content marketing. After all, nobody wants to read two-dimensional marketing ploys from brands and businesses. However, creating content without adding in vital components designed to generate leads, convert or otherwise encourage specific actions is a wasteful use of your content.

By pinging your website, social media presence and email marketing campaigns with content that seeks to convert and persuade, you will live up to the true meaning of content marketing. The goal should be to create truly organic content at the onset, followed by the insertion of key relevant pitches and conversion opportunities.

Content Needs Oxygen

All too many brands and content creators grow frustrated when their prime content offerings set relatively unnoticed for weeks or even months. After all, if content is king, then why shouldn’t great content naturally “rise to the top”, so to speak?

Content marketing requires a persistent effort in terms of promoting each and every piece of content created. Even the best content offerings you create must be marketed – often through both organic and paid means – to achieve their best results. Content will not naturally drive traffic without initial promotion (unless your brand is already massive and sustainable), so it is vital to put effort in raising awareness via search engines, social media, email and any other channels through which you’d usually conduct marketing.

Content Needs to Be Flexible

Some forms of content are genuinely only usable or visible in certain formats. For example, content shared on TikTok can’t necessarily be shared across multiple platforms unless converted into individual instances of video. However, most content can be optimized for sharing on social media, in search engines and beyond.

When writing or crafting content, designing it to be something that will resonate and is integrated as much as possible to work across channels and platforms is key. By pinging your website with this form of content, everything from search engine optimization to social media synergy will be improved. This also makes it easier to track all of the engagements you are earning across various channels.

It’s important to remember that content marketing is not one action, but a variety of actions. The creation of content is the foundation for success, but marketing that content efficiently and thoroughly is the only way to guarantee that it will deliver results for your brand or business.

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