Quick Optimization Tricks for Every Blog Post, Page and Article

0 comments, 07/03/2016, by , in SEO

Juggling BallsSearch engine optimization remains a valuable presence in the world of online brands. It is essential for organic traffic in many ways and can be an absolute make-or-break concept for brands that wish to gain more exposure. Content creation is a cornerstone of online brands, but without search engine optimization, many of these efforts will fall flat on their faces. Regardless of the platform through which you choose to promote content, the optimization of said content is a mandatory process that ensures readers and visitors will find the content desirable (or in some cases, find it at all). Today, we’ll discuss some quick optimization tricks that you should use for every blog post, page and article that you create.

Utilize Universal Keyword Phrases

Your blog, website or social media hub should be focused on a fairly narrow set of ideas or topics. When it comes to optimizing content for maximum performance in search engines and beyond, it only makes sense to find keywords and phrases that resonate universally. By selecting at least one keyword phrase to use in each piece of content, you can be sure to be sending a constant message to search engines when they are pinging URLs on your website. If you can find a way to plug two or three keyword phrases in each piece of content (while seeming organic), even better. Ultimately, search engines use your words to identify where you should be ranked. A consistent message resonating from your content is ideal for performing well in search.

Optimize Your Files

Any piece of multimedia that is used with your posts, pages and articles may have vary default names based on how they were saved or created. This is a big no-no in the world of optimization! Search engines analyze this content just as much as they analyze text-based content. Because of this, you absolutely need to give each file a unique name that summarizes what it pictures or entails. Whether it’s a video, podcast, image, photo or something else, it is crucial that you give it a name that reflects its actual status. This will help search engines categorize the content and ensure that all of your content is pinging URLs to search engines that can be classified accordingly.

Fill Out Every Field

Especially in the day of WordPress, website and blog managers have ample access to content customization on every level. A variety of fields for blog posts, pages and multimedia exist that can be customized with keywords and phrases. Whether it is a description, meta data, tags or annotations, it is highly possible to provide a clear and concise explanation of what each piece of content provides above and beyond what may feel self-explanatory. Whenever you are given an opportunity to elaborate further on a piece of content’s meaning, take it. Search engine optimization revolves around the notion of “more information”: the more information you provide in each relevant case, the better your chances are of ranking well in a variety of search engine niches.


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