A Quick SEO Checklist for Your Online Store

0 comments, 18/03/2016, by , in Online Business, SEO

SEO ChecklistThe world of e-commerce is a competitive and cut-throat industry. Countless retail outlets vie for traffic from one or more internet niches in the hopes of gaining traction in the market and making profit. Many people think about important elements of search engine optimization when it pertains to blogs and traditional websites, but SEO is just as important – if not more so – for e-commerce outlets as well. Whether you’re having difficulties ranking in search or have just started your online store, continue reading to find out about some items you’ll want to check and inspect in order to dominate in SEO.

Identify Poor Content

All too many e-commerce stores focus on their products and services instead of focusing on all forms of content. Blog posts, product descriptions and static pages can all be elements that are overlooked when pursuing the bottom line, but pinging search engines with bad indicators can take its toll. Various forms of poor content, such as duplicate content or thin content, can negatively impact SEO over the long-term. Be sure that your store doesn’t have duplicated content across multiple indexed pages and be sure to always feature forms of content that go above and beyond simple product and service pages.

Optimize Site Maps

Particularly in the site of e-commerce sites, you can easily find yourself with hundreds or thousands of pages. These pages can easily be lost or disconnected from one another if care is not taken. Pinging search engines with indicators from all of your pages is absolutely essential for maximum SEO across all categories, which is why a comprehensive site map is necessary. Search engines will be able to more easily find your content and pages as soon as it is published with an optimized site map. In order to ensure proper performance, it is necessary to exclude duplicate elements from your site map when applicable. There are many site map generators available on the web that can help you create and optimize a site map for your particular e-commerce endeavour.

Improve Site Speed

Customers are even pickier than traditional internet users when it comes to elements such as page speed. Many shoppers will be using mobile devices, which makes the need for fast-loading pages even more necessary. When it comes to site speed, this is an issue of both SEO and customer satisfaction. Concrete studies have shown that every 2 additional seconds that a page takes to load results in a fifteen percent drop in overall conversions. You don’t want to lose valuable business because of a slow website. As such, be sure that your content management system is optimized for speed, use reliable and high-quality hosting or cloud services, disable unnecessary plug-ins and compress your website’s code whenever possible.

SEO requires dozens upon dozens of different optimization tactics and tricks. For e-commerce hub, a great place to start is by improving site speed, optimizing/including site maps and removing poor content. These actions will both help stimulate SEO credibility and improve customer experience.

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