How Your Non-Profit Charity or Brand Can Boost Search Engine Optimization

0 comments, 22/06/2017, by , in SEO

With so much competition on the web today, it is now more important than ever to stand out in one or more ways. In the world of non-profits, charities and other brands not focused on revenue, the ability to promote can be easier in some respects (since you’re not selling a product in most cases). Unfortunately, non-profits must still compete in many of the same ways as traditional businesses, especially in the world of search engines. If your non-profit brand could use a boost of attention and traffic, then keep reading to discover how you can improve overall SEO and garner more visibility.

Search for Link Building Opportunities

Most non-profits need all the help they can get – and many brands and businesses are willing to oblige for a good cause. One great way to help build SEO credibility is to reach out to other local brands, businesses and platforms, asking for a link back to your website. Whether they keep a directory of helpful and useful local brands or they include your link in a reference on one of their posts, these brands pinging links to your website send signals to search engines that you’re a viable, legitimate brand. This in turn will boost your SEO rankings and help you to be seen by more people.

Ask for Free Content

One of the biggest and most important elements of SEO is content creation. Without plenty of credible content, you’ll never be able to ascend the ranks of search results and be seen. For your non-profit’s SEO strategy, one great idea is to ask various volunteers and supporters to create content on your brand’s behalf. As long as the content is relevant to your brand’s subject and is detailed, this can help improve your standing with search engines. You’ll want to inevitably optimize the content with keywords and various forms of multimedia to really get the most out of it, but the primary task – the creation of the core content itself – will be already taken care of for you.

Capture Your Non-Profit in Action

One way to boost overall SEO efforts is to ensure that your brand is sharing as much multimedia as possible. Search engines love to see websites sharing all sorts of content – not just text. Whether you have a series of videos to share with your audience or some photos from your most recent work, be sure to upload these and give them all plenty of promotion. Also be sure to add keywords, descriptions and other info to each piece of content so that search engines can properly categorize them. By including text, photos, videos and any other form of content you may have, you’ll be competing in as many search results as possible – this is what search engines love to see and it’ll help get you more traffic simultaneously.

Non-profits have to fight hard for attention in today’s world of unprecedented web competition. By pinging links from other websites back to your own, including multiple forms of multimedia and asking your volunteers for free content, you can gradually begin building a SEO presence for the brand that delivers results.

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