Quick and Easy Ways to Drum Up Content

0 comments, 26/03/2015, by , in General, Online Business

Bongo DrumsIn a world where content is constantly in high demand – by  readers and search engines alike – it is important that you can craft unique stories, tutorials and other forms of content at a moment’s notice. Unfortunately for many of us, there come times in which writer’s block prevents us from being able to adequately meet the demands of the masses. Finding ways to temporarily navigate this problem is essential if you want to maintain a steady stream of content; fortunately, you have options in the battle against this struggle. Below, we’ll connect you with three quick and easy ways to drum up content in times where your brain has ran out of ideas.

Showcase Content From Others

You can attract readers from your targeted audiences in a variety of ways, and one of them is by featuring content written by other bloggers and publishers that relates to their interest. In order to constantly be on top of fresh ideas, you can set up a feed reader to scour the web for specified topics. There are also services available that can be used to simply search by keyword in order to find the most relevant and recent posts across the web. Once you’ve decided upon a specific type of content or types of content, you can then begin the process of putting them all together. The most popular form of content in this format usually comes in the form of mashups, which takes a variety of articles from around the web and summarizes them for the audience.

Dig Into Reddit

Reddit is the perfect community for insight into new ideas for content, with its focus being on 100% user-submitted ideas. From memes and late-breaking news to ideas and more thought-out discussions, Reddit can be a gold mine for those seeking new ideas about which to write. You can sort content by popularity and by precise topics in order to get an idea of what is most popular within given niche audiences at the moment. You never know when pinging servers on Reddit can yield excellent ideas for content, so it’s generally a good idea to scope out the place even when you are not low on ideas for new pieces.

Monitor Q&A Sites

In addition to Reddit, there are several websites out there that exist solely to provide answers to questions people pose. As a blogger or content creator, a good part of your job is providing answers to people via the content you produce. As such, digging into questions posted to websites such as Yahoo Answers and Quora is generally a great idea for finding new topics and material with which to work. You’ll be able to find questions on practically any subject, making it easy to explore concepts and answers that you may have never considered prior. Many bloggers will use this as an opportunity to create great FAQ posts, pinging servers on these sites for questions and combining enough of them to make one relevant post that relates to the interests of users within that niche.

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