Organizing Your SEO, Marketing and Routines with Google Keep

0 comments, 14/06/2013, by , in Google, SEO

Multicolored SEOGaining the upper-hand when it comes to productivity can be a challenge: between the various distractions in the real world and all of our responsibilities online, the phrase ‘juggling act’ comes to mind. In this world of ever-evolving technology, we have seen a variety of productivity-based applications appear in recent months and years that are designed to help us maximize our efficiency. The recent release of the Google Keep app/platform is yet another in a long line of these applications. Understanding how Google Keep differs from the rest can help you determine whether this new platform will meet your needs as a productive multi-tasker.

What Google Keep Is

Allowing for seamless interaction with Google Drive, Keep gives users the ability to quickly jot down notes using their smartphones or mobile devices and sync them with any and all Google Drive-enabled platforms. You can create simple text notes, add photos and video or create to-do lists that will be visible from the app. Even when you are offline, notes will be immediately synced with all other devices once internet access is available. On top of all of this, the aesthetic layout of Keep – whether you are pinging on iPads or your desktop – is a delight and provides a bit of zen to your otherwise hectic daily routines.

What Google Keep Is Not

Seeing as how Google Keep is still in its early stages, there are plenty of areas and functions that it does not provide. One notable aspect is that the mobile application is available only for Android devices; if you wish to access Keep from an iOS device or other smartphone, you will have to settle for the web-based utility. Even though the layout is fantastic, it is not as well-rounded as apps such as Evernote and should not be viewed as a direct competitor. As time passes, though, we expect the versatility of Keep to improve and become just as widely available as all other time-tested Google applications.

Other Benefits of Using Keep

If you are pinging on iPads, smartphones or desktops, speed is an important factor in getting things done. Keep is blazingly fast and makes note-taking and evaluating check-lists quick and hassle-free. Its beautiful interface does a great job at minimizing clutter, making it a breeze to navigate through your notes and any applicable settings. The voice note quality is also phenomenal; apps like Evernote deliver the same functions but audio quality suffers. Finally, the ability to organize and archive select notes and tasks for later review or perpetual use helps keep freelancers and casual app users alike organized.

Google Keep is off to a great start – by offering advanced note taking with a variety of multimedia functions, a simple layout and automatic syncing, your notes, thoughts and schedule will always be just a couple of taps away. While this application is not fully developed nor available for everyone just yet, we expect it to become a major productivity solution in the coming months and years as Google continues to improve the less-than-ideal elements of its existence. If you are a current Android user or need a desktop-based solution for staying on-track, then we highly recommend you check out this burgeoning utility.

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