Maximize Social Media Potential for Every Event

0 comments, 13/04/2016, by , in Marketing, Social Media

Social MediaWhether it’s an event in real life or on the web, there are few successful event organizers and brands that ignore the power of social media when it comes to planning. The ability to reach and make impressions on large numbers of people cannot be understated; it is through social media that even small, local events can draw huge crowds and increase awareness. Many brands do not understand how much potential exists when it comes to social media and the ability to maximize its impact before, during and after the event. We’ll review some strategies and tips that you can implement to ensure that you’re getting the most benefit out of every event announced on social media.

Engage the Invitees

One great element about planning and organizing events on social media is the ability to involve everybody. Depending on the social network, you may be able to use an app to collect more detailed information in the form of a RSVP; by collecting contact information, phone numbers and other information, you can easily start pinging URLs or text message reminders to guests before the big event. Likewise, an event planned via social media can be used to interact with guests and consider their input. For instance, you can poll guests on which type of food they’d prefer, which band they’d like to be present, and virtually anything else.

Enjoy Free Promotion

Social media presents event organizers with many different marketing possibilities that would not be present in any other situation. For starters, many social media networks have local event calendars that users can peruse to find out about local events in the near future; this is a great form of free advertising. Likewise, if you follow the advice above with respect to engaging with the invited, then you can take advantage of apps and landing pages that encourage RSVPers to forward the event details to friends and family via email or by sharing on social media. Social media event invites also present possibilities for marketing in terms of multimedia. By including a fun little video, infographic or GIF on the event page that summarizes what the event will entail, you can dramatically increase engagement rates and the number of RSVPs.

Continue Reaping Benefits

Even after an event has concluded, there is plenty of opportunity to continue reaping rewards. One way to do so is to record the event via video. You can then start pinging URLs to the video via all of your social media and internet platforms after it has concluded, allowing others to see what they’ve missed. A good summary of the event that entertains or informs in presentation form can be put together – through a utility like SlideShare – and used to generate more marketing buzz for your cause  for days and weeks after the fact. Additionally, you can follow-up with guests via the event page after it has concluded, asking them for reviews or feedback of how much they enjoyed it. This will continue to send out social signals, ensuring that more people see what your brand has to offer.

Events that are organized through social media can provide plenty of benefits to organizers and guests alike. By engaging the invitees before the event for their input, encouraging promotion of the event through a variety of organic and passive ways, and turning the event’s contents into new promotional

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