How to Transform Your Post Into Limitless Forms of Content

0 comments, 27/03/2020, by , in Online Business

Content creation can be frustrating, tiresome and seemingly never-ending. This ultimately can wear heavily on the minds and moods of writers and creators, knowing that they are constantly needing to uncover new topics and angles from which to cover subject material. Writer’s block – or perhaps a more apt term is “creator’s block” – inevitably sets in and stalls progress.

However, many have found an ability to circumvent some of this by cultivating their existing content offerings into a plethora of new, individual opportunities for earning links, generating clicks, garnering shares and converting audiences.

We’ll take a look at some tips on how you can take a single post and transform it into a smorgasbord of new content variations.

Spin It Into Guest Blogging Opportunities

Once you’ve drummed up a particular post, you’re familiar with its basics, overall structure and key points. While duplicating the post across a variety of other websites isn’t feasible, what you can do is revise and create variations of the post to embrace guest blogging opportunities elsewhere. You’ll pinging links back to your website and bolstering your SEO credentials at the same time that you’re driving more traffic to your website.

Share on Social Platforms Again and Again

While it’s true that a single post may only be posted once on your website, the power of social media allows for an infinite recycling of this content. Once you’ve created a wide assortment of evergreen content, sharing each post periodically on social media – with new captions and calls to action – can generate a whole new round of interest in the content. As such, this can help generate more clicks, shares and other desired conversions when done properly.

Convert Your Content into Infographics, Podcasts & Videos

Most written forms of content already offer the opportunity to be converted into other types of content: why not take advantage of this? While it may still require some work, those who struggle with finding new ideas for content can enjoy the benefits of transforming their posts into infographics, videos and other forms of content that the masses will also appreciate.

It’s also worth noting that not everybody enjoys the same type of content; by pinging links to the same information in a variety of different forms, you’ll generate a greater number of clicks, shares and engagements.

Utilize Email Marketing

Most people who promote content through email marketing prefer to do round-ups or various types of mash-ups that feature links to each post or piece of content. While this can be useful, targeting specific emails to users that feature content from an individual post may prove to be more engaging overall.

By having a more focused topic, those who see your email may be more likely to open it if the topic in question interests them. This of course can be used to drive traffic back to the original post in question, but including a large portion of the post itself in the email as a teaser of sorts is akin in some respects to creating an entirely new piece of content.

Dozens of unique methods exist for duplicating, spinning or otherwise expanding the role of your content. By using these strategies mentioned above – plus others that fit your brand – you can take a single blog post and transform it into a variety of new and exciting content solutions and content marketing opportunities.

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