How to Use Twitter to Search for a New Job

0 comments, 26/07/2013, by , in Social Media

Twitter JobIf you need to find a job, it’s normally the case that you will try almost anything to get ahead of the competition, and find that perfect job before anyone else has a chance. Surprisingly, not that many people use Twitter to find work, but it’s becoming a better online source for work. For many people, it’s not the most obvious way of finding a job, but when you consider that most people out there who might give you a job will probably be using Twitter, it’s easy to realise why you should be taking the platform more seriously in terms of its suitability for job hunting.

Turning the Tables

One thing to consider regarding Twitter is what it says about you. Whether or not you use Twitter to search for the right job, don’t rule out the possibility of your future employers using Twitter to find out a bit more about you! If you’ve got a Twitter account which is full of tweets expressing your disdain for a hard day’s work, or a list of tweets as long as your arm regaling the world about your drinking exploits, it might be time to bin the old account and start something a little more professional. Make sure that you choose a Twitter handle which has your full name, select a professional looking picture, and use your description area as a way of advertising yourself as being a suitable candidate for the type of job you are applying for. The account should be a general overview of who you are, but leaving out the bad bits!

Talk to the Chiefs!

So once you are up to speed with a professional Twitter account, can you just start tweeting and directly messaging the big wigs in the companies you are interested in working in? The short answer is no. Follow the companies you are interested in, and start to learn more about them. If a manager follows you, then there’s every reason to get in touch with them, but remember, every character counts, so make sure what you say is spot on! Also, by this stage, you should be trying to get yourself involved in relevant conversations, and you should be retweeting posts and pinging links and stories relevant to the companies you are interested in, and the industry they are placed in.

Cast the Net Wide

Obviously, Twitter shouldn’t be your only way of finding a job. LinkedIn is one of the best social sites for finding all sorts of professional work, and in this day and age you still need to be working hard away from social sites to find the right position. More and more jobs will crop up on Twitter and of course LinkedIn, but for now, there are still so many companies relying on online job sites to find their staff. Cast a wide net, which will give you the very best chance of finding the right work, no matter where it is posted. Twitter can help you even if you find the job advert elsewhere. Tie all of these approaches together and you should have no problem finding that perfect job!

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