Buy Twitter Followers? You’re Not Buying Anyone Who Cares

7 comments, 22/08/2012, by , in Marketing

Twit KeyWith countless services on the internet promising to deliver loads of Twitter followers to your account, it can be tempting to consider if such a service will work well for you. After all, Twitter followers are a key currency when it comes to advertising products and services that you offer or providing advertising services for other companies, which in turn can make you money. What many do not know, however, is that many of these accounts are “dummy accounts” and offer no real value other than a perceived sense of importance. Before buying any followers, consider the following information so that you can make an informed decision.

How Much Is A Number Worth to You?

When you buy Twitter followers, chances are that these people will not read, comment or contribute anything to your Twitter account. Best case scenario: some of these accounts will be actual people and while they will see your tweets when logged in, they will not necessarily be interested in what you have to say. Worst case scenario: these accounts are not real people, and are never used for anything other than following the accounts of people who buy their services. You may also lose many of these followers over the long-term due to Twitter closing fake and duplicate accounts. If you already have lots of purchased followers, you can use a tool like Pingler’s Twitter Links Finder to see who is posting and re-tweet the URLs you have posted in your tweets.

Building Organically

Acquiring followers on Twitter legitimately can be a tedious process and takes some time. Statistically, however, people tend to be more likely to follow an account that already has an established base of followers. This is perhaps the only valid reason anyone could have for buying Twitter followers. This method will not work if the account in question is bland, inactive or otherwise dull. Combining a number of Twitter followers that you have purchased with an account that makes multiple daily posts on interesting issues can be an effective combination. Anyone who has a clear and creative vision for the long-term success of their Twitter account may benefit in the short-term from buying some Twitter followers.

Risky Endeavors

Twitter knows and tolerates the concept that many of its users buy followers for their accounts, but Twitter does crack down on those who buy large numbers of followers and in the process of pursuing these “Twitter farms” that make money by using this approach combined with spamming techniques, can end up banning you as well. Twitter has promoted – from the beginning – the status symbol of having lots of followers and that has led to the growth in this social networking platform. While it may not be all that important to you if your account is banned (after all, you bought the followers, didn’t organically obtain them through real work and can always start over), users that do have large numbers of real people may find themselves jaded if they have attempted to buy followers and end up banned in the process.

With countless services on the internet promising to deliver loads of Twitter followers to your account, it can be tempting to consider if such a service will work well for you. After all, Twitter followers are a key currency when it comes to advertising products and services that you offer or providing advertising services for other companies, which in turn can make you money. What many do not know, however, is that many of these accounts are “dummy accounts” and offer no real value other than a perceived sense of importance. Before buying any followers, consider the following information so that you can make an informed decision.

How Much Is A Number Worth to You?

When you buy Twitter followers, chances are that these people will not read, comment or contribute anything to your Twitter account. Best case scenario: some of these accounts will be actual people and while they will see your tweets when logged in, they will not necessarily be interested in what you have to say. Worst case scenario: these accounts are not real people, and are never used for anything other than following the accounts of people who buy their services. You may also lose many of these followers over the long-term due to Twitter closing fake and duplicate accounts. If you already have lots of purchased followers, you can use a tool like Pingler’s Twitter Links Finder to see who is posting and re-tweet the URLs you have posted in your tweets.

Building Organically

Acquiring followers on Twitter legitimately can be a tedious process and takes some time. Statistically, however, people tend to be more likely to follow an account that already has an established base of followers. This is perhaps the only valid reason anyone could have for buying Twitter followers. This method will not work if the account in question is bland, inactive or otherwise dull. Combining a number of Twitter followers that you have purchased with an account that makes multiple daily posts on interesting issues can be an effective combination. Anyone who has a clear and creative vision for the long-term success of their Twitter account may benefit in the short-term from buying some Twitter followers.

Risky Endeavors

Twitter knows and tolerates the concept that many of its users buy followers for their accounts, but Twitter does crack down on those who buy large numbers of followers and in the process of pursuing these “Twitter farms” that make money by using this approach combined with spamming techniques, can end up banning you as well. Twitter has promoted – from the beginning – the status symbol of having lots of followers and that has led to the growth in this social networking platform. While it may not be all that important to you if your account is banned (after all, you bought the followers, didn’t organically obtain them through real work and can always start over), users that do have large numbers of real people may find themselves jaded if they have attempted to buy followers and end up banned in the process.


  1. August 22nd, 2012 14:23

    waste of money i say


  2. August 23rd, 2012 3:17

    Yes, I agree with you.
    Buying Twitter followers is only about buying number, not people.
    Even more, not customers.
    With buying Twitter followers changes for making profit is slim too, since there are usually not exist and not care about you, or your services/products.


  3. August 25th, 2012 23:07

    Any kind of legitimate following will take time of course. I think this article a spot on. Put yourself in the shoes of busy people who see tons of internet junk on daily basis. Will they take the time out to retweet mundane and unrelevant tweets? Do you do that youself? I think rather not. I know for myself I need some kind of connection to the content . Why would I retweet something that does not interest me in any way? That sounds like a complete waste of time in my opinion.


  4. August 27th, 2012 23:44

    one possible benefit is that the more followers you have, the more real people you can follow who might be interested in what you have.


  5. August 29th, 2012 0:26

    Well, buyer followers to me isn’t so much a bad idea. Although, many of the followers may be dormant, it would still help a company’s recognition. It is also likely that the few active ones may be interested in the niche you are promoting so the possibility of gaining from it counts in such a case.
    I also noticed that 3 tips explained where repeated. Please reedit this post and fix these errors.


  6. September 13th, 2012 16:51

    There iss nothing wrong with buying 1,000 followers or so per month when you first start a business (or twitter page for your business) to establish credibility.


  7. September 24th, 2012 12:21

    the strategy needs you to risk, specially for first timers, you will just realize sooner that its worthy.


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