How to Structure Your Website for Great User Experience, SEO and More

Building the very best website for your brand, blog or business is crucial – especially if you’re operating exclusively online! Many considerations can be evaluated when optimizing for users and search engines alike, including overall aesthetic design and content creation.

While these aspects are fundamentally important, optimizing your website for user experience, search engine optimization and browser/device responsiveness are equally crucial. To help you navigate the beginnings of a new website, we’re going to examine how you should structure a website to provide excellent user experience, SEO potential and other crucial benefits.

Overall Design

It’s vital to ensure that your site design has a sensible flow to it. This helps improve user experience and can ensure that common-sense navigational options are available to visitors. Most sensible websites feature a home page that then segments content or products into multiple categories; from there, visitors can browse each category and find specific pages or offerings.

By pinging to Google and other search engines an orderly design structure such as this, you also improve SEO outcomes by ensuring that the site can be easily indexed. Since all pages are connected via a web of links that have a logical flow to them, search engines can more effectively index your content and align it with SERPs and search intent.

Mobile Responsiveness

It’s crucial to always remember that a majority of search engine traffic – and web traffic at-large – now come from mobile devices. Several years ago, search engines began optimizing their search results for mobile responsiveness: essentially, requiring that websites provide adaptive web design that displays the best viewing experience based on each browser if they wish to rank prominently in mobile search results.

More recently, a lack of mobile responsiveness can actually harm SEO outcomes in non-mobile search results as well. As such, investing a mobile responsive design (whether it be a free or low-cost basic solution, or a professional alternative that maximizes user experience) is critical both for good impressions and SEO alike.

SEO in General

To ensure your website is structured for optimal SEO performance, there are literally dozens of considerations to make when evaluating its structure. As already mentioned, concepts such as mobile responsiveness and index-friendly structure are crucial.

Incorporating a number of internal and external links that are pinging to Google consistently can further help improve SEO outcomes, making sure that none of your pages are cut-off from crawlers, that every page has an opportunity to perform in select SERPs, and that there are meaningful associations between your website and other relevant sites.

Easy-to-use menus featured at the top and bottom of each page, tags, titles and meta descriptions, and breadcrumbs are other critical components that should be included on each page. These elements can further help imply search intent to search engines, improving visibility in relevant search engine results pages.

Lastly, in order to monitor how well your pages are performing and whether or not visitors are interacting with them accordingly, the use of website metrics and analytics integrated into your site’s structure is crucial in monitoring progress.

With these tips in hand, you can begin constructing or reformatting your website in a way that improves search engine friendliness, mobile responsiveness, user experience and SEO outcomes. Given that site structure plays such a crucial role in all of these dynamics, you can’t afford to ignore implementing proper strategy – so get to work starting today!


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