How to Deal with the Woes of Procrastination

0 comments, 15/10/2013, by , in General

ProcrastinationWhether you operate a personal blog that provides weekly updates or are in charge of a major enterprise that seeks to publish content on a daily basis, the feelings of despair and lethargy can set in at any given time. These feelings often lead to a reduction in the quality of content and procrastination, which can be a death blow for blogs that rely upon consistently updated content in order to keep their audiences captivated and returning for more. If you have struggled with procrastination due to a lack of ideas or enthusiasm as of late, then continue reading to find out ways in which you can overcome these hurdles and continue producing quality content.

Explore Your Motivations

What made you want to start your blog in the first place? At some point, this new-found activity gave you pleasure and enjoyment, or else you would not have started it. When you are pinging search engines with content, what is the underlying motivation for doing so? It is relatively easy as a blogger to drift away from the original intent you had for beginning the project, particularly if monetization has recently become a priority. Do not let this get the best of you: people seek out quality content from motivated writers, not monetized dribble. If your procrastination appears to be originating from the dread of writing another soulless article, then get back to the task of writing what you love.

Eliminate Distractions

This is perhaps one of the biggest reasons why a blogger cannot complete tasks until the last minute. The average blogger knows that most work is not time-sensitive in the same way that a regular employer would expect you to have work done by a certain time, so a bit of goofing off can be expected. When this morphs into hours or days of time wasted on social media and multimedia instead of writing, however, then it becomes a problem. The most effective way to deal with this is to work from an environment in which you are not accustomed; when you know that the space in question is solely for work, then you tend to complete said tasks at a faster rate.

Imagine the End

Sometimes, it can help to visualize the end of the article or blog post in order to inspire yourself to complete it. When you have to churn out constant amounts of work, it can be difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. If you break this work up into small batches, however, you can more effectively segment that time and visualize what you will do once finished. This can also be tied into the motivational aspect mentioned prior. Rewards are also a good way to inspire the completion of each article: what will you do or give yourself once you have finished a certain piece of work?

When pinging search engines with material on a consistent basis, it can be easy to lose inspiration and procrastinate. You can avoid the pitfalls of this through the exploration of your motivations, the elimination of distractions and the visualization of the completion of each task. Once you have accomplished these aspects, your procrastination should be at bay and writing skills will be restored to excellence once again.

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