How to Excel with LinkedIn Sponsored Updates

0 comments, 16/10/2013, by , in Marketing

ExcelThe world of content creation and marketing was forever changed by social media, and its foray into individualized advertising solutions has only accelerated this trend. While at one point users were limited in paid advertising to major search engines like Google and individual websites, multiple social media platforms now offer solutions for everyone from individuals who are passionate about causes to small businesses that need to channel their message. LinkedIn has a particular place in this environment and can be a great way to reach out to professionals with products, services and offers. In the following article, we will discuss some strategies that must be pursued with a LinkedIn sponsored updates approach in order to maximize your success.

Customized Aesthetics

This seems simple enough: an advertising campaign in the real world, with well-crafted imagery, is bound to do well when compared to a standard, no-frills attempt. The same notion applies to social media. LinkedIn sponsored updates will be pinging links to users and can result in up to twice as many interactions as a standard, text-only advertisement. It is well documented that on other social media platforms, users share and interact with graphic content to a far larger degree than standard advertisements. If you want to have a successful ad campaign via LinkedIn, even professionals need to be targeted with some eye candy.

Varied Content Styles

Even though aesthetics are vitally important for a successful ad campaign, the core of the content must also be considered. Rich multimedia such as videos, infographics and SlideShare presentations can boost the overall amount of interaction your campaigns enjoy and still provide aesthetically pleasing content for your audience. Thankfully, LinkedIn’s sponsored updates feed provides users with the ability for pinging links of virtually every type of content imaginable. With a diversified advertising approach that includes multiple types of content, you will be able to reach everyone in one desirable format or another.

Use Informative Content

If you run advertising for a press release or a blatantly biased product review, then there is a good chance that your campaign will not yield positive results. The types of content that perform best on social media advertising platforms usually pertain to content that is informative and persuasive. Some examples of this content include infographics, how-to videos and unbiased reviews of services. The goal is to provide a service via the advertisement that encourages the reader to learn more: most people are not naturally interested in your newest office opening or a website re-design.

Keep it Fresh

Each individual instance of an advertising campaign is only valuable for a limited period of time. The biggest mistake that many advertisers make via LinkedIn is that they create a few excellent advertisements but never rotate them or otherwise introduce new variations. When you target a particular audience, it is wise to use multiple variations and to rotate these variations every few days so that you are pinging links and benefiting from an optimal amount of impressions. Many people will tune out repetitive advertisements more so than they can fresh advertisements and content.

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